Friday, March 10, 2023

The Gift of Wobbly Bits

A walk in Bayville, New York inspired my musings about wobbly and jiggly bits. 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Wobbly Bits

“Imperfection is the prerequisite for grace.  Light only gets in through the cracks.”

Phillip Yancey

Wobbly bits, jiggly bits, cellulite, imperfection.

Stretch marks, scars, flaws, and cracks.

We all have them.

Whether they come from a fall, or a less than graceful moment.

Our wobbly bits, our jiggly bits should not hold us.

Wobbly bits, jiggly bits, serve as a reminder.

Of the grace, mercy, and forgiveness that has come to bind us together in our humanity.

To be human is to have imperfections, whether they are spiritual or physical.

Let your wobbly bits, your jiggly bits be your teacher. 

To forgive yourself. To learn from your mistakes, and let the light shine in the darkness.

Pass the illumination, the luminescence and luster on to others.

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Let your wobbly bits, your jiggly bits serve to guide you.  

To offer a word of comfort for those who need counsel.

Let your wobbly bits, your jiggly bits be a gift for all to see.

That you are human and working to be a better person for all the world to believe.

Good morning, evening, middle of the night... twilight, dawn, etc.. friends. I wrote this little musing seven months ago. I had no idea that I would end up in the hospital very, very ill and basically have to regain my strength one day at a time. One of those ways I have started to rebuild strength is to exercise again. I felt so great, I rode the bike last week, I walked just about every single day. Yesterday I decided that I was going to ride the bike farther than I had in a very long time. I had walked earlier that day, at dark:30 to be precise. As the day lingered on, I started to feel so stiff. By the time bed time rolled around I was walking like a machine with no oil in it. This morning when I woke up, wobbly, jiggly, jello legs. I immediately started to beat myself up internally. "Girl, you are just not progressing as quickly as you should. Look how weak you are." I stopped myself immediately and said, "Self, you are taking it one day at a time. You couldn't walk, you could barely move. Look where you are now." We all need to embrace our wobbly bits, give yourself credit for that one little step. There may be days when you take two steps back, but hey... you tried. There are probably others watching your journey. Give yourself the Grace that God so freely gives us. Let them see that you can be Wobbly, jiggly and still keep going!

Wobbly bits.  Jiggly Bits.  I love saying these words.  In this day and age of “canceling” wobbly bits can be a bit of an issue.  It seems that daily I read that someone was “canceled” for a tweet or a social media post that they made a long time ago.  Humanity is not perfect.  Humanity is flawed, gritty, sometimes wonderful, and sometimes a race uphill just to make it through the day.  Empathy is defined as: the ability to understand and share feelings of another.  Forgiveness is defined as the action or process of forgiving or being forgiven.  To pardon.  Forgiving our wobbly bits is a source of daily bread for our souls.  If we dwell on those who have wronged us, or those we have wronged, it creates resentment, pain and can eventually lead to health issues.  Perhaps that is why our society is so divided and toxic at the moment.  Forgiveness and empathy are not at the forefront.  Perfection is front and center. Think about all of the selfies that we see on a daily basis. Is that a search for perfection or flawlessness? I am not anti-selfie. It is an idea to ponder. When humankind overwhelmingly expects perfection, they are immediately set up for defeat, frustration and eventually a sense of just giving up.  I used to hear a pastor say, “Forgiveness is a fact first, not a feeling.” That phrase was very profound to me.  Make the choice to forgive your wobbly bits; make the choice to forgive the jiggly bits in others.  It is not for them; it is for you.  Forgiveness, empathy, practicing meaningful transformation of perfection versus living a life of perfection is not freedom.  It is misery.  Let us work on our wobbly bits. Let us be an example to others in embracing imperfection and working towards being a bit less wobbly and jiggly.  

1 comment:

  1. Kathy- I am so proud of you. I never knew that you were a writer. I miss you and Daniel and the children. Come and visit us when you are feeling better. Marlene


The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...