Tuesday, June 13, 2023

The Gift of Brimming

We absolutely love a proper cup of tea at our house.  LOVE.  My favourite is a Builder's Tea from England.  It is brimming with English goodness. 


Kathy King

The Gift of Brimming

“Be that person that roots for others.  Who tells a stranger they look amazing and encourages others to believe in themselves and their dreams” 

Star Child Collective.

What are you brimming with?  Is it love, joy, and generosity?

Is it malice, hurt, anger and animosity?

When you wake up and greet each day are you brimming with anticipation for a brand new day?

Are you brimming with a desire smile, a gesture that someone may need to see?

What are you feeding your soul from day to day?

Are you spending time meditating in a positive way?

Are you reading and watching inspiring or calamitous things?

What you put in your spirit will directly convey what you are brimming with in each and every way.

What are you brimming with? Is it warmth on a cold day? Is it a refreshing breeze on a hot summer’s day?

What are you brimming with?  Ask yourself each day.  The gift of brimming can be a delight for both you and a stranger by making the day more bright. 

Be full, be brimming, be chocked-full of love so the brimming can spill over into another person’s cup.

The dictionary defines brimming as: fill something completely until it overflows. To be full of a particular quality, feeling, etc. As I was watching one of my guilty pleasures recently, I got to thinking about the concept of brimming. This little scenario came to mind: puppies! Most folks love them right?  I know not everyone likes animals, but watching cute puppy videos is just wonderful.  There is a particular set of pups that I quite enjoy on Youtube.  I get so excited when their owner releases new videos!  One particular video was so cute I wanted to comment on the post. Generally speaking, I am not a commenter on videos. I just hit a thumbs up and move on.  When I opened up the comments section I was floored at all the negative sentiments. “You are a terrible owner.”  “You are fat and ugly.”  “Your dogs are so stupid.”  All the cute doggies were playing in the water! I then went to her other videos to see the comments.  There was more of the same.  There is one channel that has at the beginning, “Please angry typists, save yourself the time.  If you are ugly, your comments will be deleted and you will be blocked.”  Why is that necessary for puppy videos?  One answer.  Folks are filling their cups to the top with noisome and ugly ideas.  Ideas that keep producing the desired result. It is an odious, unlovely echo chamber of hate. Sure, there are trolls everywhere but some of these folks are real.  One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible talks about dwelling on things that are true, honest, just, pure, of good report, if there be any virtue or praise, center your mind on them and implant them in your heart. Or, in the pretty succinct words of Clint Eastwood: “What you put into life is what you get out of it.” Let us be brimming with goodwill, complement the stranger.  Offer a smile or a kind word to someone who looks like they need it. I know, in some instances it can be quite hard but it is worth a try.  Tell someone to have a wonderful day sincerely.  Lift someone up on a social media post. Let us start an attitude of Positively brimming goodness to others.  

My books are on Amazon!


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