Thursday, June 1, 2023

The Gift of a Sunrise

My husband captures beautiful photos of the sunrise.  This is one of them.  

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

“There is a moment in every dawn when light floats, there is the possibility of magic. Creation holds its breath.” — Douglas Adams, The Ultimate Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

The light is simmering, it is barely there. 

The shadows begin to lighten, the trees outline the sky.

The darkness is dissipating, a new day is here. 

The sun starts with a painting that lights the sky. 

The colors are pink, blue, red, and yellow. 

A palette of a new day’s painting is here. 

What will you do with it?

How will you make this a better day?

The sunrise presents a new opportunity to paint a new painting in a new and different way.

Take in a sunrise every now and then, let that new palette sharpen your artistry, your life, your attitude.  

Make the sunrise your new and gorgeous painting that brightens each day.

After spending several days at a military base hearing tank fire (that is startling), it was nice to be home.  It was a long drive home, the traffic in our area is always completely terrible.  What should be a four hour drive turned out to be a six hour drive with accidents, volume, etc..  I was tired, I had one more day before I had to do some work.  I was looking forward to sleeping in.  One of my sons came through and asked if I could drive him to his armory for his annual training.  Of course I said yes.  I always want to help my “kids,” errr…. Adults in any way I can.  They are giving of their time to be soldiers, the least I can do is wake up at 4:30 am to drive him where he needs to be.  Well, the much anticipated sleep in was not possible.  As we left with blurry eyes and yawns we made our way to his unit.  I dropped him off, gave him hugs and told him to please be safe.  On the drive back, I saw one of the most beautiful sunrises I have seen in quite some time.  The sky was the most verdant colors of pink, blue, yellow and even some purple mixed in.  I was driving up the foothills of North Georgia, there was little to no traffic, there was mist rising from the ground around the cows.  It was the most peaceful and serene sunrise.  As I was driving I realized that this was a gift, each sunrise is a gift.  A chance to paint a new day with beautiful colors.  One of my most favorite books in the whole world is Anne of Green Gables.  One particular passage came to mind as I watched the sun rise.  “Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it.” What a powerful phrase.  Sure, we have things that we have to do, choices we have made, words we have said. But what are you doing with it today on this fresh new canvas?  You may not be a morning person.  I certainly am not.  Just once in a little while take in a sunrise.  Contemplate your painting each day.  I leave you dear readers with this quote: “Rest but never quit. Even the sun has a sinking spell each evening. But it always rises the next morning. At sunrise, every soul is born again.”

Muhammad Ali

1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...