Friday, September 1, 2023

The Gift of a Cool Breeze

Capture the wind.... photo credit... my husband

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of a Cool Breeze

“The breeze of grace is always blowing; set your sail to catch that breeze.”


A gentle breeze that cools the day.

The trees gently sway. 

The breeze is refreshing, like a balm for the soul.

The wind and the leaves do a little waltz or even a quadrille. 

The picture of beauty and grace that nature reveals. 

Whether the wind be from the North, South, East, or West. 

The wind is necessary to keep the world working at its best.  

The wind carries ships from port to port with provisions of food and even port. 

The wind influences the weather and the pattern of the seas. 

Wind is quite important to both you and me. 

Which direction is the wind blowing in your life?

Is that direction gentle or a tempest filled with fright? 

Find the perfect wind direction and set your compass to navigate.

To dance in the wind and become better each and every day.

A cold front is coming through our little portion of the world.  The wind has been blowing, the leaves have been showering down in droves. Fall is making its first announcement that it is indeed coming. The wind is bringing in that change in the temperature.  If you are not familiar with this little section of the deep south, we are not used to cold temps coming quite this soon.  First cold bits are usually in late September.   Folks are scrambling to get the last bits of good blooms out of their summer flowers.  This morning as I watched the wind blow and the leaves fall a thought came to mind about the wind.  I decided to step outside and just let the wind blow all around me.  The refreshment that came from those gusts was wonderful. I planted my bare feet in the dewy grass and just looked up.  We need a little wind in our life to refresh us, to help us steer in a new and different direction.  Even that wind is needed to guide our sails along a route that we have firmly cast an anchor and have been unmoveable.  Did you know that wind is a virtually inexhaustible resource?  There is no end to harnessing its power to create electricity.  Our daughter attended the Naval Prep Academy in Newport, Rhode Island.   We had the occasion to visit a fair number of times for various military ceremonies.  There are wind turbines littered all over the area.  One wind turbine functioning at forty two percent capacity can power over nine hundred homes with electricity.  Power is harnessed simply by the wind blowing.  Pretty amazing, right? What winds do you have blowing in your life?  Where are you harnessing the power of the wind to help you in your life? It does not have to be strong winds that knock you over, it could be the subtle breeze that gently blows your hair with a gentle wisp.  My husband is in IT, he has been doing computing since he was gifted a computer at about age 10.  He has been given the name the “Puter man” for many, many years.  When our boys were small (about the same age as when he got his first computer) he put ten dollars in an envelope and said this money is for any boy that can write “hello world” in any programming language you can have that ten dollars.  Now, you would think that our kids would jump at the chance for ten whole dollars.  He asked our three youngest boys if they were interested.  At that moment, not one child was even remotely tempted to take dad up on his offer of cash money.  This money sat in our little safe in an envelope for probably two years untouched.  My husband kept reminding the boys that this money was still located and waiting for anyone to write the program.  Finally, one fateful day one of our twins wanted ten dollars to go and get his most favorite food.  He had spent what little money he had.  He came to his dad asking for money and of course dad said, “Well there is still “hello world” money sitting in the safe. In exasperation our son went to google how to write the “Hello world” program, after less than five minutes he runs in the room and announces that he has indeed written the program.  My husband looked at his programming, gave a nod and handed him the ten dollars.  The moral of the story?  My husband had given the single most easy programming task that you can be assigned.  It should take just about a minute.  Our other sons of course were verklempt that they had not taken the opportunity to earn an easy ten dollars.  The moral of the story?  That wind could be so gentle and even easy to bring you to a better place of understanding about life, the universe and everything.  Feel the wind.  Embrace the wind.  Let that wind change you in positive ways.  It won’t always be that gentle breeze but what if you are just letting that envelope sit untouched because you are scared to make that simple move, to gain that grain of knowledge?  Dear readers, feel the wind.

1 comment:

  1. Amen and Amen the wind most likely is the Lord encouraging us to enjoy all that He has given to all of His children. He created all things, the giver of life, praise God from whom all blessings flow. Give honor to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!!


The Gift of People Watching

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