Friday, October 6, 2023

The Gift of Seeds

Plant the different seeds.....

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Seeds

“When you start planting different seeds, new things will grow.  Peace. Calm. Wisdom. Love. Beauty. Purpose. Keep tending your garden.  Just wait and see.”


What is contained in a seed?

What causes it to grow?

That little seed can produce a miracle when tended and encouraged to grow. 

A little water, some sun, perhaps some fertilizer and patient care. 

Those seeds start to sprout and show their little specks of green. 

The miracle starts to happen, the beginning tendrils of the plant can be seen.

As they continue to sprout they grow and bask in the sun. 

Then leaves, the fruit are germinating all from the gentle care. 

A seed contains everything to begin new life. 

The nutrients, the root, the stem, the leaves. 

They are all in that little pod. 

What a miracle indeed!

Plant different seeds. 

Plant peace to be your respite.

Plant Calm to help you cope.

Plant wisdom to get through this thing we call life. Let your wisdom grow. 

Plant Love to help you understand yourself and others, even when they struggle. 

Plant beauty within so that your soul will shine and exude outwardly so that your beauty can be seen. 

Plant Purpose in your garden.  Make it your intention and objective.  

Watch your garden grow, tend it each day, and watch your glorious blooms show that a beautiful garden is not only possible but it is the best, most fragrant and beautiful way. 

Recently I wrote a little musing about blooming.  How can we bloom even in the midst of adversity?  I wanted to take that a step further and talk about seeds and planting today.  When I first started planting a garden I had no idea what I was doing.  None.  I went to the store, bought the seeds, picked some random shady spot (I am not kidding) in my backyard and planted a few seeds.  I did not really buy any soil to counter this harsh southern clay that we call mud here.  I just dug little holes, put in a little water and hoped for the best.  I was so proud that I called my neighbor, the master gardener over and showed him very proudly my “garden.”  Well, being the graciously lovely person that he is, he said, “Well, you do have a little bit growing and you are trying, but they may not grow too well.  They are not in the sun.  You planted them in the shade.”  I fancied myself so much of a gardener that I didn’t even bother to ask the master gardener for help.  How often do we rush to do things without reading about it because we are so excited or think… “I can do that, it can’t be that hard!”  Or, is it just me?  Well, life is much like the seeds we plant.  We start with peace.  Peace is defined: freedom from disturbance; tranquility.  What is in your seed of peace?  Quiet? A moment’s respite from life as we know it? How do you find those seeds? What about calm? The absence of confrontational activity.  The absence of anger.  The absence of nervousness.  Where can you find that?  Wisdom? Love? Beauty and glorious Purpose?  Where are those seeds found?  Well, certainly there is some contained within ourselves but all of these concepts have to be sought and planted in you. Some find them through reading scripture.  Others through meditation.  To take the idea even further.  Wisdom comes from listening to those who have had many years on the earth.  In a lot of societies the older generation is venerated because they are the germination of wisdom, love, peace, calm, etc.. If you want peace in your life, plant it. If you want wisdom, seek it. If you want love, give it.  If you want calm, look for it even when things are crazy all around you.  One of the things that I remember about having four small children in diapers long ago was that I had to develop a sense of calm even when the little toddlers were running around and screaming.  For me it was thinking of music, or even putting on some music that would calm them down.  I sang a song in my head, and It worked.  Plant those seeds purposefully and wait and see what happens.  History is full of folks who found peace in the midst of struggle.  Irena Sendler was a social worker in Warsaw, Poland during World War II.  She helped about 3000 Jews and Polish people to safety during that time.  She went as far as to pose as a nurse to get into the Warsaw Ghetto.  She was captured, beaten, tortured, left for dead, tortured again, and never gave one single name away.  A lot of those names were children.  She never backed down.  Through that time of struggle she was still able to make it, and go on to continue her social work well after the war.  She lived to be 98 years old. She had planted a pretty strong garden within her heart and soul.  I leave you with this quote: “Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart” Unknown.  Plant your garden purposefully with good seeds.  Your crop, your blooms will be a gift to you and others.  

Source: Reader’s Digest

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

Clean it Up!  Wash it Up!

Coming soon:

Appalachian Allegory

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

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