Wednesday, November 8, 2023

The Gift of Dreaming

I was playing around this afternoon with this song... to warm up. Dream the impossible!

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Dreaming

“You are never too old to set another goal and dream another dream.”

C.S. Lewis

Do you dare to dream?

You hear leaders say to you, “Dream!”

Do you really take their advice?

To dream means to leave the realm of what is possible and to venture into what may be impossible.  

But what are we if we do not dream?

To imagine? To ponder a better life for both ourselves and others around us. 

Dream, imagine, take the chance! 

Some dreams are admittedly silly, some dreams are serious. 

But what are your dreams for your future and do you still try to attain it?

To stop dreaming is a hopeless place. 

Dreams have kept many a person from feeling dismay. 

So don’t stop dreaming even if you are feeling blue. 

That dream, that hope could give you the boost of confidence and respite.

Dare to dream! Grasp for the stars! Pray for it, do the work.

You can do it, know your worth.

Many songs have been written about dreaming through time.  The dictionary defines a dream as a cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal.  Do you dare to dream?  Or has your life become devoid of dreams?  Think about the songs about dreams.  Dream a Little Dream of Me, To Dream the Impossible Dream. Sweet Dreams, Dream Weaver, Wildest Dreams.  Having seen a few of these titles one could wager that dreams are quite important.  What happens when we stop dreaming?  We lose hope.  Our hope gives us expectations and desires for things in the future.  Hope is the pathway that helps our dreams come true.  Now, dreams don’t just come to fruition.  There is also hard work and discipline that is mixed in as well.  But if we don’t have that goal (even if it is small) or that dream to work towards, how will we not become stagnant?   Dreams help us grow, dreams help us have vision, dreams help us to keep going even when the going gets tough. Also, in our time of instant gratification realize that dreams do not always come to fruition as quickly as we would like.  Sometimes those dreams, that hard work, takes months and even years to yield fruit.  Even then, keep dreaming.  Stay focused, keep that vision in your mind and keep on the path of that dream. The quote that I shared earlier I have shared before. It always speaks to me each and every time. It is so important for the human spirit to dream. When I was younger I used to wish that I could play the piano like certain folks, draw like certain people (I cannot draw a stick figure)....I dreamed I was as beautiful as some of the other gals that were at my school. As I have gotten older I realized that each person has their gifts. There is no reason to want another person’s dreams and talents, we all have our own. As a pianist I can appreciate how each pianist’s personality is reflected in their playing. Some of the playing is soft, beautiful and contemplative. Other's playing is so technically correct that Franz Liszt would blush. To those who do not know, Franz Liszt wrote some very technically difficult finger patterns in his pieces. He had famously very large hands with long fingers. Then there are those pianists whose soul is laid bare when they play. They may not be one hundred percent technically accurate, but you know that piece is from the very essence of everything that they are. Then there is the combination of all that commands the room as soon as their fingers touch the keyboard. After making this realization, I thought why would I want someone else’s talent/dream? That is what makes music the speech of angels. What does all of this have to do with dreams? Well, paint that picture, write that book, take up that new hobby, minister to that friend, share your passion with others. Share your dreams. This morning when I was working with some little old ladies they were all talking about how they wished we could have a “Good News Network” that we could watch every single day. They didn’t want to completely ignore what was going on in the world by any means. They just wanted some good news. One little lady said that she believes that there are more good people, good dreamers, and good souls in the world than those who report the news would lead us to believe. That dreamer may be you!  I leave you all with this quote: “Dare to dream, then decide to do.” Annette White

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming soon!

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Appalachian Allegory

1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...