Saturday, March 25, 2023

The Gift of Crumbs

This is a cutting board that one of my twin sons made me.... I have made many loaves of bread for them and of course, the crumbs came after. Both of these things are very precious to our family. Tonight we broke bread with long time friends. It was so nice to see those crumbs. 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

“A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”  Phyllis Diller

The Gift of Crumbs.

Crumbs can be annoying.

Crumbs can be everywhere

They take over every nook and cranny 

They scatter like they don’t have a care.

You sweep them up continually, what feels like day in, and day out.

You whine and moan at these silly crumbs because they just won’t go away.

“I sweep them all the time!” you declare and stomp your foot. 

Then you pause and think, “Wait, I need to take a step back and take a look.”

Those crumbs are there all the time because there are people who came to spend quality time.

They laugh, they sing, they eat, and come to see their mom and dad and other family. 

So today, I love sweeping up crumbs because it really means, my boys, my gals, they have come to see their dad and I. 

All of our college age kids are home at the moment.  There are 3 Army boys and 1 Navy girl.  There is a lot of eating that goes on ALL.THE.TIME. It is almost as if they stumble through in a haze of hunger, almost like in a daze. The pantry flies open, my husband and I hear it every single time… The bags are opened, the tuna fish is eaten with great abandon. I can feel the pantry groan for its very life. Then, in another haze of feral-like hunger, the fridge is opened.  The cheese is consumed like there is no tomorrow, the milk is gone within hours and food is literally everywhere.  I did have to wonder… How in the world did food get on the ceiling? How? Seriously!  If you have an answer for that little riddle, I would certainly like to know your thoughts.  I feel like I am constantly doing the dishes, sweeping the floor, going to the grocery, cooking for them, doing laundry, all things housework.  I even lamented to my husband that I had just wiped down all the counters, swept the floor, finished the dishes, etc…  Just as I finished, an Army boy swept through and made a snack.  Crumbs everywhere!  At the time I was annoyed, but in an attempt to look at things in a more positive way, I changed my concept of crumbs.  Crumbs mean our kids love us enough to come home and see us instead of going somewhere else.  Crumbs mean we have sat around the table, laughed, talked about life, the universe, and everything.  Crumbs mean we are blessed to have each other.  I choose to smile and thank God for the gift of crumbs.  

My books are on amazon! 

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot 

The Case of the Missing Moo Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments 

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

I am writing for Patheos! 

Positive Pensées 

Buy me a coffee please... or in my case a proper cuppa. 


Thank you for reading!


  1. Yes yes so worth it!!! Keep on doing what your doin..... it will have great rewards !!!

  2. Praise the Lord..... I not there but I have so many times wish they would come and see me !!!



The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...