Wednesday, April 5, 2023

The Gift of the Moon

This was taken from a recent late evening walk.  It was a bit hard to get a good picture of the moon with my little camera. 

*Seeing the moon inspired me to sing Moon River from Breakfast at Tiffany's.

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of the Moon

“Be the moon and inspire people, even when you’re far from full.”

K Tolnoe

The moon has many shapes that we can see with our eyes.

The full moon, the half moon, and the crescent moon, and the new moon, which starts the process again.

Through each of these phases the moon never goes away, it remains faithful to the earth each and every day.

What can we learn from the moon and its various phases?

We can learn that just like the moon has phases we too can practice this meaningful occupation.

Learn from the moon, grow in your purpose.

That is why we have nature, to show us that we have a great purpose.

To give love, to spread joy, and spirituality. 

So be like the moon!  Do it for all to see! 

How often do we just look at the moon?  Since starting our early:30 walks together, my husband and I have been watching the varying shapes and position of the moon.  Right now, winter is winding down and spring is well into motion.  This morning when we began our walk, I took a moment to look up at one of the most beautiful moons I have seen in quite some time. It was full and almost pink in its color. It is actually called a pink moon in some circles. It has been referred to as an Easter moon, a Passover moon, among other names. Either way, it was absolutely gorgeous. Watching the moon has made us both conscious of just how faithful the lunar workings are to the earth.  In each phase, the moon helps with weather, the oceans (through the gravitational pull between the earth and moon), and some folks believe that moon phases even influence our behavior.  Though the theory of behavior has not been proven, isn’t the moon a very interesting subject?  Did you know that when the moon is waning (no light from the sun on the moon), the moon never stops working, and the sun never stops shining on the moon.  The sun is shining on the back side of the moon.  This brought to mind a very interesting thought.  What if we use the phases of the moon to help guide us to be an inspiration to others?  For instance, when there is a new moon (the moon is basically black), take that time to start something, whether it is a better attitude of thankfulness or even that book that you have been wanting to read for sometime.  Start something new.  When the moon starts to wax (a small crescent), try to find one productive activity that you have needed to do but not necessarily wanted to do.  Accomplish something small.  When the moon is in its first quarter (half moon), try learning a new idea or concept that you are not familiar with.  Study after study has shown that if we keep a sense of curiosity, we keep our minds healthy.  Try learning something.  When the moon is a waxing gibbous (stay with me on this one), try and clean something that you never clean.  For me it was cleaning the baseboards in my room. I know, I know, what a boring task. I just put on my favorite podcast and cleaned.  That small task did not take long, but it actually made our bedroom a little brighter.  Clean something.  When the moon is full, try and treat yourself and be a blessing to another.  Something as small as making your neighbor a batch of cookies or giving them a coffee will not only fill their cup but yours as well.  Be full!  When the moon is a waning gibbous (three fourths full), pause, take a moment, and look at nature in all its beauty.  Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring all have a symphony of colors and smells to share with us.  Take the time to pause and refill your cup.  When the third quarter moon appears, take a moment and spread some cheer.  Seriously.  Give cheer to something or someone.  Whether that is a kind word or a vase of flowers.  Adding cheer to everyday life will make such a difference.  Finally, when the moon makes its move to waning crescent, engage your spirituality. Now, I challenge you all, dear readers (and myself) to put this into practice. Take the hope, gratitude, forgiveness, peace, and community and realize that you are meaningful and have a purpose in this world.  


1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...