Saturday, May 27, 2023

The Gift of a Four Leaf Clover

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Four Leaf Clovers

“You look like a four clover leaf.  Lucky to have and hard to find.”

Dharam Singh Rathore

Do you have a four leaf clover?

Do you believe in the lore of luck that the clover brings?

If you were to find a four leaf clover would you make a wish or two?

Can there be four leaf clovers in our life?

Could those clovers be grace, hope, and love and most of all faith?

Grace to help you move through each day with an attitude of forgiveness and doing what is right..

Hope that springs eternal, even when things seem grim. 

Love to guide your soul, mind, and spirit in positive and interesting ways. 

Most of all faith and confidence.  Conviction to embody the best of all that you can be. 

Make your life like a clover, a really rare leaf to find.  

They are the most precious, the most difficult but the best leaf to find. 

As I look over this writing that I wrote well over 8 months ago, I really do see that these little musings are a gift to my future self. I hope that they are a gift to someone else as well.  Tonight, I am sitting in one of my son’s kitchen on a military base.  There are clearly military exercises going on at the moment because the tank fire is literally rattling the windows.  This little bit of excitement gave me pause to think about faith.  About bravery.  About being four leaf clovers to those around us.  This past year has taught me a lot, some of those lost values have been faith.  To believe.  Hope, to know that it springs eternal and patience, to know that God has a plan.  To top it off, prayer.  A much needed daily respite that adds to the recipe of life.  Those brave souls training as I sit here in the kitchen are training in the rain and wind for what day very might well be war.  I can take a lesson from these moments of life.  

Recently, our music player was playing pop hits from the 1940’s.  First, pop and the 1940’s does not always come to mind as pop music, but I digress.  The lovely song “I’m looking over a four leaf clover” came on the speaker.  What a delightfully upbeat song.  This brought to mind, as you would guess, four leaf clovers.  How many of us when we were kids were told to go and search for the four leaf clovers so that we could have luck?  Many times in the summer time we would walk barefoot in the fields of clover searching for the coveted leaf.  I remember finding the clovers and rejoicing because I was the lucky one!  What are your odds of finding a four leaf clover?  A quick google search shared that your chances are about one in ten thousand to be exact.  A rare find indeed.  Here is a little tidbit gleaned from research as well.  The odds of finding a five leaf clover are one and twenty four thousand!  Celts believed that the four leaf clover had magical powers of protection to ward off evil and bad luck.  They would literally carry a clover in their pocket for protection.  Of course, Saint Patrick of Ireland also used both the 3 leaf and 4 leaf clover in teaching about the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  To find one was truly a gift.  How does a four leaf clover relate to our everyday life?  We should strive to be that rare and hard to find gift in our unique and interesting ways.  Being a pianist for many, many years you encounter one overarching theme with musicians.  My music professor used to say, “There can be only one pianist in the room at a time.  They don’t share very well.”  In my experience that has been typically true.  Until one day I met one of the most selfless musicians I had ever encountered.  She was our church pianist.  She had the most beautiful soft touch.  She wrote beautiful music, she had a beautiful soul.  When we came to be members at this church she wholeheartedly encouraged other pianists to play as much as they wanted.  Her philosophy was that the way a person plays is a direct reflection of their personality.  Hers was soft spoken and beautiful.  Another pianist's touch was a bit more forceful and firm.  When she was asked why she shared her bench so willingly she responded with, “We have musical gifts to share, it would be a shame for me to hog the bench and not let others hear their musical style.”  This pianist, dear readers, was a clover.  A rare find.  A pianist one out of ten thousand.  How can you be a clover?  Think about those four little leaves.  Grace, hope, love, and faith.  Find a small moment each day to encompass these values.  I am quite sure you will be that lucky leaf that is indeed a unique and precious find.  


My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming soon!

Appalachian Allegory

A Southern Novel

Check out my page on

Positive Pensees

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