Tuesday, August 8, 2023

The Gift of Chip Clips

Find those chip clips... take a walk...  read that book, write that story. 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Chip Clips

“Giving up is the easiest thing you can do, but holding it all together when everyone expects you to crumble that, is true strength.”


What holds you together?  

What is the chip clip of your life?

How does that little chip clip keep you going?

When you need a little something to keep it together where do you go?

What keeps you salty, crunchy and sweet?

Is it a devotional or a verse that gives you peace?

Is it a walk or a glance to take in the rays of the sun?

Do you feel the wind caress your face and embrace nature’s beautiful ways?

Is it a song that is beautiful or the sound of the sea?

Find your chip clip and keep it close by. 

Use your chip clip to hold it together day in and day out.

There are days you may need it, there are days you may not.

But never underestimate the power of that little clip.

It helps keep out moisture and the dust of everyday life.

It keeps things fresh when forces around want to take away its shelf life.

Have a little chip clip right on hand.  

I assure you, it will help make your life a little more grand. 

Chip clips.  A funny topic, right?  Have you ever gone to the pantry and taken out a bag of (in my family’s case) baked cheese doodles and some well meaning and hungry feral eater forgot to put the clip back on the chip bag?  Oh the humanity!  Things are stale, it is just not as good.  It doesn’t have to be a salty snack, it could be that coveted bag of caramel corn that you dreamt about all day long.  You long to take a bite of the salty and sweet goodness and… someone forgot to put the chip clip on.  The purpose of the chip clip is as we all well know to keep things fresh and from spoiling.  Bread becomes stale because it loses moisture.  Chips become stale because they gain moisture from not utilizing some form of seal or chip clip.  How do we relate this little contraption to life?  What are your chip clips?  We often talk and read about helping others and being a balm for the needy soul.  This is a well and necessary exercise in humanity.   What little clips do you put in your life to keep you fresh and not stale?  Take a small moment each day to read a Bible verse, listen to a song that lifts you up.  In our house we have used sticky notes to give reassuring messages to each other.  One of our favorite sounds in our house to calm us is the sound of rain.  Life is busy, life is hectic.  We do forget to put on our chip clips to keep us fresh, to take a moment to invest in ourselves so that we can invest in others.  We all realize that not everyone even employs a chip clip in their life.  Their lives are ruled by the moisture that seeps in, or the moisture that dries out.  However, we can be better  through mindful searching for our chip clips of life. We can be better and surround ourselves with others who also have found their chip clips.  This brings to mind flying.  When you fly on an airplane the flight attendant always goes through a safety brief before taking off.  One of those instructions is if the cabin loses pressure and the oxygen masks fall down from the ceiling make sure to put your mask on first. Why?  You cannot assist someone beside you before assisting yourself, you could very quickly run out of oxygen. Well, if you don’t get that all important oxygen you certainly cannot help others find their breath.  This is true with the concept of chip clips.  Find those little things that keep you going.  Then share them with others.  It is time for us to walk across the aisle and share goodness with one another.  

1 comment:

  1. As children of God, we know we will sin against what the Lord has given us to do , that's good for us, but we also know we can be forgiven if we but ask. The price has already been paid and all we have to is ask with a heart that knows right from wrong and things are forgiven and forgotten. Mom I'm sorry about the clip or Lord I was wrong, please forgive me and mom does as many times as it takes. So does our Lord. That's what family and being !


The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...