Wednesday, August 2, 2023

The Gift of Green Rolling Hills

We enjoyed riding through the rolling hills of Kentucky

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

"Nature is the purest portal to inner peace."

Angie Weland Crosby

The Gift of Green Rolling Hills

To see nature and enjoy it, one must take the time.

To pause, to breathe, to look, to listen, at all that nature has in its design.

To see the blue sky, the rolling hills and the mountains. 

To see the flat lands, and even the areas that some people would not deign to even consider beautiful and grand, but they are there. 

They are there in creation to cause us, to pause and reflect about all these different expressions of creation. 

Life is often spent on a tiny little screen. 

It is sad honestly. 

Because nature and life around you is grand indeed.

Some say, "People are terrible, why bother."

But, dear readers, if you take a moment and ponder that thought.

Is that not where this phrase took root and started to grow?

Not stopping, not looking, not even taking a moment to breathe. 

It has caused us humans to really start to be a culture in great need. 

So pause, if even for a moment and look at all the beauty that surrounds you.

It may be hard for some because life itself is dark all around them.

Find that speck of light, that patch of green. 

Restore your soul, look to others and plant some seeds.

Seeds of humanity, goodness and grace.

So that when humanity is unkind to you...

You can face it with forgiveness, love, humility, all those things that humanity needs.

I promise you, dear reader. Your spirit will grow and thrive when life is full of weeds.

Today we took a very long journey to Fort Knox, Kentucky.  It was about a six hour drive on a good day.  We encountered traffic.  We encoutered buggies!  Seriously!  A horse and buggy! We encountered pasture dogs.  We were out in the sticks.  There was a bad wreck on the interstate that we were traveling on.  Our GPS re-routed us on to some pretty interesting country roads.  As we traveled further north the mountains were nothing short of absolutely gorgeous. It is summer, the green of the trees are lovely and the mountains played a tune like Bach.  When I think of tall mountains I often think of Johann Sebastian Bach.  I often wonder if he took his inspiration for some of his Toccatas and Fugues from looking at the Alps.  Their peaks are so high that they touch the hand of God.  After driving way up in the mountains we entered the state of Kentucky.  The rolling hills that were the most beautiful green were a sight to behold.  We even had a little Bed and Breakfast that was right near fields and fields of wheat and corn.  Living in a pretty populated area makes you forget the beauty of nature and all that it involves.  I would add that during this trip we were so out in the middle of nowhere that our cell phones had little to no service.  We had to look at nature and enjoy each other.  When is that last time you took a moment to do just that?  Put down the phone and the computer.  Turn off the TV and go take in some nature?  It is a quite simple concept I must admit... but driving through these gorgeous areas in silence and just taking things in was almost like a deposit into the soul.  Do you ever make deposits into your soul? Do you ever put down that little screen?  It might do you just a little bit of good and in turn, one day it might do someone else some good.  As I sit here in this little cabin in the woods with no wifi... no real cell service, my kindle is dead.  There were not any decent shows on the tele... I had to pause. I had to reflect.  I had to realize that we get to do this journey once on this big blue ball.  Find something ordinary to do in an extraordinary place.  It does not have to be far from you, it could be at a park down the street.  I encourage you all to restock your spirit and soul by taking in the beauty of nature.  It just might do you some good. 

My books are on Amazon!  

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot


  1. I have said for so many years, you will never know how blessed and beautifulthe Lord has made this country if you don't get out and see for yourself.

  2. You are so good. They are very short of teachers. Did you every think of working in a school?


The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...