Saturday, August 19, 2023

The Gift of Something has to be Good

Something has to be good... even the small act of feeding a bird. 
Photo credit: My husband

Positive Pensées

The Gift of Something Has to Be Good

Kathy King

“Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.”

Alice Morse Earle

When life is giving you a bit of grief.

Something has to be good even in grief. 

It’s been said that someone somewhere has it harder than you.

So find that good thing even when it can’t be seen.

Find the glimmer of hope, even if it is tiny.

Focus on whatever you can find.

This helps set your sight on just how good (even in grief) life can be. 

We always tend to look at the glass as half empty.

We tend to focus on the bleak.

It sucks our energy, sucks our will, and makes us generally feel down.

Find that one nugget of good even if it is tiny.

Change your thoughts from despair and grief.

To small bits of joy, and beautiful life melodies.

Find your “Something has to be Good”each day.

Make it a mindset. 

Change your ways.

There will be a marked change in your attitude in a very meaningful way.

This was written last year, I have since been to the hospital a couple of times with loved ones.  One was a late night trip.  The despair I saw in that room.  There were people walking around without shoes.  People who clearly were in desperate need of help.  It really brought into perspective of “Something has to be good.” into my focus.  I asked the nurse about the utter despair in the room.  He said, “You would be surprised at just how much homelessness is centered right here at this hospital. It brings into focus the blessings in your life.”

Recently our daughter had to go to the emergency room.  She will thankfully be ok, but in those six plus hours of waiting for a room, a doctor, test results, etc..  The plight of the people in the room was just stark to see.  So many elderly patients were waiting to be seen.  Some were alone, some had family with them.  There were police there bringing in persons who were injured and in handcuffs.  There was a lady who dropped to the floor in an apoplectic seizure.  Her poor daughter was screaming, “Please help my mother!”  As the hours wore on, I wanted so badly to complain.  My attitude was quite bleak as was my daughter’s as well.  To see so much suffering in one place.  We all know there is suffering in the world.  There are times that we just don’t realize just how good our lives are.  In those moments we had to practice active gratitude and keep reminding ourselves over and over that our life situations could be much worse.  Also, say prayers for those folks who are clearly suffering.  We often hear folks say, “I am praying for you.'' Some say it to fill a hole in a conversation, others really mean they will pray.  Find a way within reason to help someone near you.  The nurses at this hospital were clearly overwhelmed with the amount of people coming in the emergency room.  There were some little old ladies in the room who were alone who kept asking for blankets.  The nurses just did not have time to get to them.  My daughter and I decided to offer to give them blankets.  Simple acts, simple changes in thought can and will transform your attitude into one of gratitude.  What can you learn from the situation?  Where is the silver lining in this dark cloud of a situation?  Encyclopedia Britannica defines silver lining as something good that can be found in a bad situation.  After all, in the words of Leonard Cohen, “There is a crack in everything, that is how the light gets in.”.  Find your “Something has to be Good.”  I promise you this will change your mindset quite quickly.  


  1. There’s always a light at the end of a tunnel. Great post!

  2. Thank you for the reminder to look for the good in difficult situations.


The Gift of People Watching

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