Photo credit... my husband. I see you stars!
Positive Pensées
Kathy King
The Gift of Hope
“Never lose hope, one day you will thank yourself for not giving up.”
What does that term mean?
A feeling of trust.
A feeling of expectation.
A desire for a certain thing.
The phrase, “Hope springs eternal” comes to mind.
But when life gets really tough, do you keep hope in your mind?
Do you pray?
Do you meditate?
Do you sit and ask for peace?
Or, do you become very anxious and take the weight of the problem from the the top of your head to the bottom of your feet?
Why have hope?
Why think that things could get better?
Because dear readers, that simple change in mindset already sets the domino effect of things looking better.
Counting your blessings, naming them one by one.
Look to those things that are beautiful in your life, rather than those than are dark and should be shunned.
Should we ignore the situation?
Absolutely not!
But plant a seed of hope and watch that seed take off!
It will grow, it will flower and even bear some fruit.
So that you can grow in faith for both you and teach others about hope and truth.
I stepped out onto the porch this morning and was a little chilly! I have a rather silly pair of slippers that look like unicorns. They are sight to behold. I also have a sweater that looks like the coat of many colors that Joseph wore in the Bible. I probably look like a crazy lady to the neighbors. The crisp air reminded me of hope. Why? I am not sure. What happens when you hope? It increases happiness, reduces stress and improves your quality of life. I must confess dear readers… well… that my hope tank has been very empty for many, many months. I have dealt with a good deal of health issues regarding a certain drug that was mass given last year. For some, it helped greatly. For me. Not so much. I was sick several times a day. SEVERAL. My fundamental view of food changed. I became afraid of it. I became afraid to even consume it because I would immediately get very sick. Fast forward, and well. I have spent a good deal of time in the hospital for the last few weeks. The reason why? Malnutrition. I have had hours of magnesium infusions among other things. The feeling of a magnesium infusion is like burning lava going straight into your veins. You have to keep your arm a certain way for many hours. It is just plain uncomfortable. Now, why am I having this whine fest….. I will tell you, As I was sitting in my hospital bed at 3 am… I sent my husband home. I knew I would be there for hours. I wanted him to have a little rest because he planned to work the next morning. I worked myself up into a pity party tizzy. My legs were shaking, I was crying. I looked up at the ceiling and said, “WHY GOD??” It was oscar worthy. In that moment, I realized that I had lost hope. I had lost faith, I had lost my ability to see that guess what? I get to go home. Some of these folks in this place will close their eyes and meet their maker. I started to think about what I had been saying to my kids. My tank is so empty. I feel no hope. I am just so weary. I was ashamed. I had regret. At that moment, I prayed that God would help me change my attitude to one of hope. To be a better example for my kids. Not to deny what was going on by any means. But rather, look through the lens of hope. Hope unsticks the icky in your life. Hope makes you smile to know that things could be way worse. Hope takes the icky off of your clothes and makes them smell better. Hope takes the “sweaters” off your teeth when you don’t brush. Hope lets others know that they can dig it out of the well and make it through their situation. Today, yes. I am tired. I choose hope. I leave you all with this quote from Dr. Martin Luther King. “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” I may be kicking and screaming. I may be gritting my teeth but I see you stars! I see the hope that they will shine bright and this too shall pass. I hope you are encouraged dear readers. Let us find those stars of hope.
They were there all the time! What a Mighty GOD we have. When you find yourself alone , guess who moved. It wasn't our Lord, for what a mighty God we have!!! Keep your eyes fast on your Lord He is SUFFICENT in ALL THINGS !!! HIS PROMISES ARE TRUE ALWAYS !!!!!!!