Wednesday, September 27, 2023

The Gift of a Teapot

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of a Teapot

“Remember the tea kettle, it is always up to its neck in hot water. Yet it still sings.”


Have you ever heard a teapot just sing and sing?

The water comes to a boil and the noise begins.

The whistle, the scream, the beautiful sound.

That a proper cup of tea is coming, that beautiful sound.

Add a little milk, and perhaps some sugar.

Or, add some lemon to give your cheeks a little pucker.

Either way, the tea kettle is much like life.

When we are full to the brim with the heat licking our heart, our soul, every part of our life. 

When your life feels like that teapot, do the same thing!  

Open your mouth and sing! Sing! Sing!

I came across this little quote earlier this week.  There is a lot going on in life at the moment. Illness, things with kids, things with you name it.. It is happening.  To be quite honest, it has been a lot to deal with.  There are days when prayer is just, “Help me make it one step in front of another.”  Other days, the prayers are more ambitious and verbose.  When I read this little quote above I did exactly that.  I felt full to the brim, some other folks I know are full to the brim. They feel the heat licking in their lives and coming to a boil.  I just let out a scream at first, I cried.  I lamented, I even had a woe is me moment but then, after reading this little quote I thought, this can be a song, a time of great release.  Rather than look at things in life as broken, make it a song and get some sweet relief.  Sing, even when it is hard.  Even if you can’t crack a tune in a bucket, I promise.  You will get some soular and spiritual relief.  Did you know that there is actual evidence that singing releases endorphins, serotonin and dopamine? You know, endorphins? Those little peptides that activate the body’s opiate receptors, causing an analgesic effect?  In other words, it makes you happier!  Serotonin, that chemical that impacts your mood, your sleep, digestion, etc?  Then there is dopamine, that chemical in the brain that makes you feel good.  It is good for health to have some good dopamine going.  If you have ever sung in a choir you probably had all of these feelings.  Seriously.  Singing with others produces a “high” because you are singing and working with others in a melodious way.  Also, just singing or humming a favorite tune actually reduces stress.  Sometimes you may have to hum it all day but in the words of Marie Claire Breen: “Simply by singing along to a favorite song or humming long notes can reduce stress levels and create a better sense of internal balance.”  Wow! There are those who even put forth that singing can reduce physical pain, improve your memory and some even believe it boosts your immunity.  Ludwig van Beethoven comes to mind.  He was quite the virtuoso, he composed beautiful music.  However, did you know that most of his most famous pieces he composed were after he became deaf?  That is right.  Ode to Joy.  Fur Elise, The 5th Symphony.  All with no way to hear it.  He hummed those tunes in his head.  If that does not show the miraculous power of music, then what does.  Embrace the tea kettle.  When you are full to the top with the heat licking right on you.  Don’t give up!  Remember that proper cuppa is coming and sing! Sing! Sing! 

1 comment:

  1. My devotion this morning was on tea pots too.Heis speckingto my heart.


The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...