Monday, October 30, 2023

The Gift of Changing Seasons

This is at Berry College in Rome, GA. Each season highlights this beautiful area.

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Changing Seasons

“Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosaic of them all.”

Stanley Horowitz

Have you ever heard the phrase, to everything there is a season? 

This phrase is written for a very specific reason.

There are seasons in life that are sometimes like winter.

Or there are times when life is like fall in all its colorful splendor.

The rustle of spring when flowers come to life.

Or the lazy hazy days of summer where lemonade, lightning bugs and long hot days grace our life.  

Life is much like seasons, where we can find some beauty.  

Whether that day may be a day drenched in white snow, a blank canvas for beauty. 

Life may be a bouquet of thrift flowers with their purple and blue hue.

Or the fiery red leaves on a crisp fall day.

To everything there is a season!  Embrace that phrase.

May the beauty of each season grace all of your days. 

I wrote this exactly a year ago. I am still trying to figure out what season our lives are in at the King household. One thing is sure. I will wait and pray until it is apparent what this seasons of our lives holds for us.

It is fall here in the south. There is a freeze warning set for tomorrow.  In the south, where summer sometimes seems like it goes on forever, the first sign of a crispy colorful leaf gets some of us quite excited. The neighbors have pumpkins and fall garland decorating their porch.  This season just sends a great sense of warm and cozy anticipation for things yet to come.  Life is so much like our seasons.  Each season is markedly different yet full of beauty.  In the winter, the first snowfall that blankets the landscape absorbs all the sound and looks like a painting.  Spring, the world comes to life, the greens are varying shades of beauty.  The flowers are peaking through to make their grand finale in the summer.  So much beauty to be had.  In the fall the mountains look like an absolute painter’s canvas of color, adding the crispiness of the cool days and a warm fire.  You are in a space of absolute delight.  In the summer the trees and flowers mature.  The ferns put on a show.  The twinkle lights and fairy lights sway while the wind gently blows.  How can we learn from seasons?  They are very much like life.  If we don’t change, if seasons don’t change we stagnate.  We become inactive and dull.  When we become dull we lack the vividness and brightness life can bring.  While change and growth can most certainly be painful it is quite necessary to grow.  That is what seasons teach us.  Always start each day with a sense of purpose for that season in your life.  To be more honest, to be more empathetic, to take a moment for yourself so that you can recharge to help others.  So much of life in the last few years in the public sphere has been base and argumentative.  Let us, the everyday people embrace what divides us and walk across the aisle and find what unites us.  There is a great fear that humanity is in a season of distress.  I believe most of us would agree.  The way we change those who cleave to dullness, stagnation and never changing seasons is to find what is beneficial in that season and move from there.  Embrace the seasons in your life!  The changes are an opportunity to make you a better person.  Much like the mum in the fall that blooms with great beauty, it has to be deadheaded so that more growth can occur.  Much like flowers in the spring and summer need to be pruned to encourage more growth. As flowers begin to bloom in spring, some parts do not fully germinate because it would be detrimental to the rest of the plant.  This serves for greater growth.  Finally, in winter when things become dormant and rest.  That rest is to serve to bring a productive, beautiful growing season through the rest of the year.  Seasons can teach us a great deal .  Let’s grow through each season.  

1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

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