Sunday, October 29, 2023

The Gift of a Squeal of Joy!

Big churches with tall ceilings make me want to squeal with Joy! 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of a Squeal of Joy!

“Joy does not simply happen to us.  We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

Henry JM Nouwen

If something gives you joy, take a moment and proclaim it.

In a world where real jubilation is absent. 

Take that moment of joy and grab it!

A little squeal, a little smile of delight.

This small action might just make you feel just right.

Focus on the ebullience, the exhilaration, the glee. 

Be a source of joy so that others can see.

Find joy even when life seems bleak.  

If you try you will be able to glean that small sliver of happiness that will give you an inner twinkle and gleam. 

Make that shout, that scream, the one simple sound.

In a world where folks are shouting madness, make your joy resound!

Joy. What does it mean? It means a feeling of great pleasure or happiness.  Let’s face it, there are so little sources of joy in a time when money is tight, the geopolitical situation is tenuous at best. Top that off with social media and the general division that is fed to us by social media it is no wonder that folks are just not feeling joyful at all.  Recently my husband and I had the pleasure to visit our sweet little one-year-old granddaughter.  Her little squeals of joy were absolutely medicine for the soul and spirit.  She has a little dog named Yoda and they are thick as thieves.  Each time Yoda leaves his crate she starts screaming at the top of her lungs, “Yoda!” Little Yoda comes to her and greets her with just as much excitement as our little grandchild.  This scenario gave way to an interesting thought.  Perhaps we should try a little squeal of delight when a small good thing comes our way?  Another little simply adorable activity that our little grandchild engages in is ducks. She loves them so very much.  So much so that she has them all over her little play area. We played with ducks, she kept saying, “Quack Quack!” in her screaming happy voice.  After putting her to sleep for the night my husband decided to put ducks all over the room in varying places on the top of picture frames.  The next morning our little gal came down and started to notice the ducks that were scattered here and there.  Once again she squealed with joy and started pointing at the ducks that were dispersed all over the room.  So simple an act but so impactful. What can we learn from this?  Find those little sources of joy each day.  Is it coffee?  Give a little soul and tastebud squeal.  Is it just reading a book?  Talking to your significant other?  Your children?  The possibilities are endless.  Stop waiting for that joy to find you.  How many times have you heard the phrase, “One day I will find joy.”  If we operate in the “one day” mindset we will most certainly never get there.  Laugh more, breathe more, surround yourself with positive people.  If you can’t find anything that makes you squeal, start focusing on the little things.  Those little deposits will fill up your well and one day you will find that joy like our little granddaughter.  Children can really teach us a lot if we let them.  I leave you all with this little antidote.  Life is sometimes a bed of thorns, a puddle of mudd, a pothole on the highway and it might deny you joy but life is going to respond to your attitude and happiness is a choice.  Squeal for joy!


My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk is live!

Coming soon:

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Appalachian Allegory

1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...