Saturday, October 28, 2023

What is a Mother of a Soldier?

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

I struggled as to whether or not I would share this bit of thoughts. I mean no disrespect to those who have kids who do not serve… at all.  There are days my heart feels like it cannot take it. I do cry. I do pray. I get on my knees and ask God to protect my loves. But… to this comes from my heart sincerely.

To each and every military mom. God has called us to be the strength for our family. We are given much, and much is required. I urge you all particularly at this time in history, to pray, to hold each soldier in your thoughts.  They are going to need it. 

What is it like to be the mother of a soldier you ask?

Try wanting to take their place, even if they do not ask.

Try wanting to run into the frey in their name. 

You would do it in a heartbeat to save their life any day. 

To know that you have your flesh and blood

That could be called to service at a moment’s notice, that concept is very hard. 

There are no words in any language that could describe the size of your heart. 

Also, there are no words to describe the fear that can grip you when you hear the drums of war. 

That is your baby that you held, you loved, and raised. 

Now your baby could be called to the battlefield without delay. 

To be a mother is such a great gift. 

When your child chooses a life of service, that takes a mama with true grit. 

We really cannot tell you just how much we pray. 

How much we hope, how much we want our babies not to be harmed in any way. 

There are those who say, “They took that oath willingly.”

To those we would respond, “Yes, they did.”

They took that oath knowing they were part of something bigger than self. 

They knew that if needed they would give of themselves. 

It doesn’t make it easy for a mama’s heart. 

Our hearts beat, think, and breathe about them each and every day. 

A soldier’s mama is a warrior. 

A soldier’s mama is a friend.

A mama will be there at a moment’s notice, of which our soldiers can depend. 

What is it like to have skin in the game?

It is daunting, terrifying, to name a few words. 

So please, pray for us mamas we need each and every one of those prayers. 

Pray for our babies. 

They defend you and others in freedom’s name.

Never forget those who defend the red, white and blue. 

Their blood, sweat, and tears make your life possible where freedom still blooms. 

There may come a time when freedom depends on our soldiers. 

Please don’t forget them, embrace them. 

Hold them.

Hold them in the light, in prayer in esteem, they chose to defend freedom without any reserve. 

We mamas, we warriors at home. 

We need those prayers like cornerstones. 

We need them for our babies, we have skin in the game. 

So when you take that walk, that drive or that fabulous freedom ride. 

Please, Please remember our babies may one day come in the way of harm. 

We may never see them again because of their oath that they gave to defend. 

So what is it like to be a military mom?

A prayer warrior, a heart that beats hard and wide not just for her own, but those other brave souls who have chosen to walk to freedom’s drums.

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