Monday, October 23, 2023

The Gift of Salt

Just like water... a little salt can be refreshing as well.  

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Salt

“Always have a unique character like salt, its presence is not felt but its absence makes everything tasteless.”


Salt.  It’s just a mineral right?

Salt adds so much to a dish.

It can make a bland dish come to life.

Salt can preserve, brine, and scrub things clean.

Salt is an intricate part of human history.

Salt was used as currency in some places. 

The high cost of salt helped start a revolution.

Salt was traded for gold in some traditions.

The virtue of salt in human history is unrivaled to some other culinary additions.

Have a character like salt.

Add some taste and brininess to all that you possess.

Not too much because too much salt might ruin the dish.

Make your life transform from tasteless to a culinary masterpiece seasoned to the perfect degree.

In our home there is always a small container of kosher salt on our counter, I also keep iodized salt, Himalayan salt…. Etc..   If we run out it would be a great catastrophe in our house.  When we cook we throw a little over our left shoulder for a pinch of luck.  Salt is probably one of the most basic building blocks to a recipe.  So much so that folks that cannot have salt there are salt substitutes galore.  Salt has a very long history in humanity.  Phrases like “Salt of the Earth” means someone who can be counted on. In the South being called a Salt of the Earth person was a very high compliment.  Salt in the Biblical sense is to practice good deeds to lead others to both continue the cycle of good acts and lead others to God.  Too much salt is not good in a dish, too little can really cause the dish to not be as tasty.   Salt in history can be traced back quite long ago.  Salt at one point in history was one of the most important trading commodities.  Salt was used as coins in some societies.  This little spice that we can find quite easily and use regularly was once so very important in society.  So why be like salt?  Because we can build up others around us.  Be just enough salt to others so that they can be a better version of themselves.  Not too much as it would spoil their life dish, but just enough.  One practice that a friend of mine imparted to me was to find a stranger and compliment them on their hair, their eyes or their smile.  Just watch how they light up.  After putting that suggestion into practice, wow! Their smiles were infectious.  For those who are in your life on a regular basis.  Try to find a new way to listen by saying, “I hear you saying fill in the blank”.  Just to be heard is what others crave.  My husband is constantly reminding me… the talker… that we have 2 ears and one mouth. Which means we should listen more, right?  Sometimes others just need us to listen.  If you think about all the shows on television, how many of them yell over each other rather than listen respectfully and then give their answer or rebuttal.  Restoring civility requires us to be more like salt.  Salt is needed in our professional life, our personal lives and even in the lives of those we do not know.  In closing dear readers I leave you with this quote.  “People don’t enjoy salt.  They enjoy what is salted.  We are the salt of the earth. We do not exist for ourselves.”  John Piper.  Go and sprinkle a little salt all around you.  


My Books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

Clean it Up!  Wash it Up!

Coming Soon!

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Appalachian Allegory


The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...