Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Gift of Reflection

What does your soul reflect?  Photo Credit My Husband

Positive Pensées

Kathy King 

The Gift of Reflection

“Be a reflection of what You’d like to receive.  If you want love, give love.  If you want truth, be truthful. What you give out will always return.” 


The Gift of Reflection.

To ponder, to mirror, to meditate. 

What is your mirror? 

What is your reflection?

What can others see through your looking glass?

If you were to look at the mirror of your soul would it be a beautiful sight to behold?

No one’s soul is perfect, that is a quite obvious fact. 

But would the expanse of your soul be a reflection of the good traits that humans possess?

A soul is the embodiment of all that we are made of. 

That is why we must take time to see what our reflection is made of. 

Reflect that which is good, noble, and of praise. 

So that you can continue to cultivate this reflection of glassy beautiful water with no haze.

The hazy bits are in the corner, they don’t take up much room.

The beautiful bits are a reflection that convey a most beautiful picture.

Of flowers swaying in the wind, announcing their vibrant colors. 

The sky is a beautiful shade of blue and the weather is not too hot. 

The perfect balance of the soul. 

That is where we need to set our hearts. 

When you think of the concept of someone having a soul, where does your mind immediately tend to think of?  Is it your spiritual part of yourself that in some belief systems is immortal? Is it emotional intensity or intellectual energy that is imparted both on a human level and on an everyday task level?  I would argue that souls are color blind.  Souls are the essence of us. That is why it is important to feed our soul a diet of edifying activities albeit through what we watch, what we say, what we read, who we surround ourselves with. That even flows over into what music we listen to. Music in some cultures is believed to be a great healer.  It is also regarded as food for the soul. It is part of our soular existence.  Think of our souls like our physical diet.  If you eat french fries, chocolate pies, hamburgers, chocolate, cookies, fatty meats each and every meal each day would we really be healthy.. or on another level even feel very good.  Of course not.  Diet is about balance.  As much as we are loath to say it.  While an occasional sweet or indulgence is fine a diet of indulgence does with great alacrity cause us physical and mental pain.  What do you feed your soul?  This is a very serious question.  A soul that is on a diet of negative thoughts, words, deeds, and even media will inevitably become murky and even stagnant in their purpose.  A soul that takes the time each day to meditate on positive aspects of life or read a scripture, even if it is for a moment, will dip into the murky waters that have set in and make them clean.  Sometimes the murky takes a few times of scrubbing to make those corners clean but the practice of cleaning our souls will over time produce a beautiful reflection of purposeful soular activity. As I caught a little bit of the news this morning I could not help but see the faces that were etched in anger. They were yelling, some were hitting one another, stomping on others.  Why? Well, as I have said before we live in a fallen world. If that is your diet, that is what your soul will create on the outside. It can’t be sustained.  C.S. Lewis is probably one of my favorite writers of all time.  One of his most poignant quotes was “You don’t have a soul.  You are a soul.  You have a body.”  That is why my dear readers it is imperative to feed our souls a good diet so that we can have a most beautiful reflection that shines from the inside out. 

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

Clean it Up!  Wash it Up!

Coming Soon:

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Appalachian Allegory

1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...