Saturday, October 21, 2023

The Gift of Tenancity

This is Schloss Laufen on the Rhine on the border of Switzerland and Germany.
When I visited this place my first thought was, "Wow, that had to take some nerve to build a castle on top of a raging waterfall in the Rhine."  That is tenacity. 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Tenacity

“Tenacity is setting a goal so big you can’t possibly achieve it, then growing into the person who can!”

Are you tenacious?  

Do you hold on tight?

Do you never give up without a fight?

To be tenacious is to have a steel will. 

Tenacity is needed to make it through this ride we call life.

To try and not give up when all around you is nothing but strife.  

Tenacity is hard when all around you see, is bickering and arguing and hearing folks say, “Me! Me! Me!”

Take the tenacious parts about your life that are good and keep calm and carry on.

It is the tenacious person, the person that can see the good even when that good part is minute. 

Being tenacious can be a great teacher imparting wisdom and patience.  

So try being tenacious and you might see life’s endless possibilities.

Are you tenacious?  Do you stick with it when the going gets tough?  So many items in life are disposable these days.  We want the “quick fix’” It is almost as if longevity, fortitude, investing time, love and resources into one object will make it last a lot longer.  If you were to look at a lot of successful businesses and read about those who began said businesses you will hear one common thing.  They did not give up even when the going was quite tough.  Tenacious people work smarter.  They see a problem and think, “I have tried to do this a certain way many, many times to no avail.  Why don’t I approach the problem differently than before and see if I get a different outcome.” Tenacious thinkers are problem solvers.  What in your life have you tried over and over in the same method with little to no results?  Step back, take a breath, and try to approach the issue a different way.  I am sure that you have heard in your life, “We have always done it that way.”  I would argue that those who have achieved some sort of success with their goals have approached their situations in a myriad of ways until they achieved success.  Tenacity is knowing that you will not achieve your definition of greatness overnight.  There will be days when you take two steps and there will be days you will take ten thousand steps.  The point is, you took the steps.  Take exercising for example.  I have met a few people who actually love exercising (why?), but most of the time in all the years I worked in fitness, folks are not keen to work out.   I started telling my clients you made it here!  You have won part of the battle.  Next time we will add a few more repetitions, a few more squats, a few more exercises until you feel that you can reach your goal.  When our little son was about three we had a baby shower for my twins who had just been born.  We were given a lovely lemon cake to take home.  It was in a big round plastic container.  Our son kept scooting a chair to the counter to try and get the cake.  He was obsessed!  My husband ended up putting the cake on top of the refrigerator knowing that this little precocious man would certainly not be able to reach it.  I was tending the twins, my husband was tending to other things around the house.  I thought he was watching our 3 year old.  As I put the twins in bed our son came into our bedroom rolling the plastic container like a ball.  I said, “Good grief, how did you get that?!”  I went into the kitchen. He had figured out that if he scooted the chair by the counter and climbed up on the counter he could barely reach the cake.  He devised that if he used a wooden spoon he could knock the cake off the top to the floor, get off the counter, slide onto the chair then roll the cake to me.  He could not hold the container because it was very, very big.  His little arms could not hold it.  Well, I would call that tenacity!  One last quote to share.  “Often it’s tenacity, not talent that rules the day.” Julia Cameron.  Truer words could not have been spoken.  

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

Clean it Up!  Wash it Up!

Coming Soon:

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Appalachian Allegory



  1. Very good reading. I have had times I wanted to give up but like you just kept on going.


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