Friday, October 20, 2023

The Gift of Crochet

This is the table cloth my mother-in-law made us...  the table was getting ready for a holiday meal.

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Crochet

“A good life is like weaving. Energy is created in the tension.  The struggle, the pull and the tug are everything.” 

Joan Erikson

To wind, to weave, to string together.

To bind, to create, to bring the threads together.

To stop, to relax, to take a little time.

To create a design of beauty that calms your mind.

To loop, to finish each small section.

Makes for a finished product that shows dedication.

Crocheting is much like life.  

We string together varying circumstances day in and day out.

Some may be happy, some may be joyful.

Some events may be filled with self doubt. 

Some situations may give us grief and anger.

Each situation is part of the threading.

In the end if we are persistent, we can take all these daily machinations and make a beautiful crochet project that can sustain us.  

To help us to learn, to grow and even succeed to master the art of spirit, soul and life crocheting.

Recently I pulled out a very intricate table cloth that my late mother-in-law made for our dining room table.  The stitching is so intricate and beautiful, the project took my mother-in-law months to complete.  This spurred my mind to ponder how life is much like crocheting.  So many different circumstances have been weaved into our lives over time that the stitching can either make a masterpiece or a misshapen woven mess.  How can we start making our life, our influence a beautiful crocheted pièce de résistance?  The process starts by finding something positive or joyful in each circumstance, no matter how hard that may be.  When the process of crocheting starts, it begins with a single thread. The thread is lopped in the crocheting hook and then made into a chain.  After the chain is made, the chain is made into rows or rounds.  If our outlook is bleak, that stitching may not look so great. With everything going on in the world,  folks are divided at the moment.  How do we start a new chain?  Find the grace, find the kindness, find something that gives the gift of commonality to yourself or someone else who might need it.  There are some situations where you are going to have to stop the stitching and start all over again.  There are going to be sometimes when you have to let go of that certain stitch or situation.  That is ok.  As you continue to crochet a life of meaning, joy, positivity and purpose you can graduate to a more intricate stitch.  Make the circumstances and even more extensive creation.  When researching crocheting, there are literally thousands of patterns and each one was different, some were hilarious.  The 70’s mens shorts were quite amusing.  Sweaters, hats, purses, fish!  There were teapot cozies, dresses, blankets.  You name it there was a pattern for the crochet.  In all of the patterns a theme was present throughout the instruction.  It takes time, patience, a whole lot of weaving in and out.  There are many colors and patterns in each one and in the end produced a masterpiece to the maker.  How are we crocheting our life?  One final quote to share:  “Instead of worrying about what you can’t control, shift your energy into what you can create.”. Roy T. Bennett.  

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

Clean it Up!  Wash it Up!

Coming soon:

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Appalachian Allegory

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