Sunday, November 5, 2023

The Gift of Roots and Shoots

Photo Credit: My husband

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Roots and Shoots

“Till your mental soil with determination. Fertilize your emotional soil with positive words.  And plant the seed of your heart’s desire with your disciplined efforts.”

Iyanla Vanzant

When you think of a tiny seed what comes to mind?

Do you think of all the varieties of plants this tiny pod can design?

Flowers, fruit, vegetables and trees. 

There are so many wonderful things that come from seeds. 

Those seeds need to be watered, cultivated and fertilized.

These seeds grow the trees that are truly poems to nature and humanity.

The roots go deep and reach very far. 

They draw their life force from the soil whether soft or hard.

What are your seeds and roots made of?

What kind of soil is cultivating your roots?

Are you fertilizing and care for those roots and shoots?

What are the shoots? 

The roots of the tree shoot everywhere in the ground so that they can become really tall trees. 

Cultivate good seeds, nourish your roots.  

Be the best version with robust roots and shoots. 

Do you ever pause and think about just how wondrous a tiny seed can be?  Look around you, the trees in all of their glory stand tall because of seeds. A seed is an actual embryonic plant enclosed with a hard exterior.   We eat fruits and vegetables because our ancestors cultivated seeds for us to eat.  Flowers in all their beauty are from seeds.  Seeds are life itself.  Every seed that we enjoy today originated from wild plants that were bitter and sour. They were not at all palatable to the human sense of taste.  Since the inception of finding seeds, humankind has constantly worked to improve the seeds quality for an even more robust harvest. Inside those seeds there is usually a supply of nutrients that enables that seed to sprout and grow.  Seeds come in many diverse sizes. There are a fair amount of very small seeds and diversely some large seeds.  The seeds that are smaller germinate much more quickly.  Seeds can be sown through the wind, carried by animals and even transplanted by ants.  After the sowing comes germination, where the seed actually begins to grow.  This is all dependent on the environment in which the seed is sown.  If the seed is not watered it will dry up and eventually die.  What an amazing process from such a small origin.  How do seeds relate to our everyday life?  Well, it is quite obvious that we need to plant good seeds in our life and conversely plant good seeds into the lives of others.  Some folks may not be ready to receive the message but you have planted the seed.  The same is true for us.  Those seeds are there, waiting to come forth from their pod and produce goodness in our life.  To those seeds that are not needed. We can let them dry and wither.  We all are different, we need different seeds to grow and thrive in our life.  Our thoughts are like seeds.  What do you dwell on?  If the majority of those musings are mostly negative the harvest will be a bad attitude right?  What if you take those turgid thoughts and water them with thoughts like, what can I learn?  How can I be better?  How can I plant a seed so that this place of dwelling goes from darkness to light?  No seed starts out as a beautiful garden awash in vegetation and flowers.  It takes time, effort, pruning, nourishing, watering and discipline.  The very first time I fancied myself a gardener I just bought a few seeds from our local department store.  I had no idea what I was doing, I had no idea what kind of soil to use.  I was in fact, clueless.  The first year (I am not kidding) I planted about 4 tomato plants in my backyard, in the shade and in the Georgia red clay soil.  I did not fertilize it, I just thought, hey!  It will grow.  My neighbor is an avid gardener.  He has impressive stalks of corn that look glorious. He has tomatoes for days, beans, herbs, onion, garlic, muscadine vines.  It is quite impressive.  I told him how my plants just wouldn’t grow.  He very graciously came over and in a very fatherly voice said, “My dear, you need sunlight and good soil to start with.  After that some good watering and patience your seeds will start to grow.”  He led me to a better spot to plant my tomatoes.  After planting them in a better, more sunny area we had a bumper crop of nice big red tomates.  The seeds were there, they were just not thriving where they were planted.  My sweet neighbor in all of his very sage wisdom taught me a lesson that day.  Plant the seeds of your life in an area that will cause you to grow and to give the gift of seeds and possibly positive growth to others.  Those roots and shoots will travel throughout the ground making for a much stronger foundation, after that those seeds can be carried far and wide to hopefully make someone else find a fertile place to grow.

My books are on Amazon! 

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot


The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...