We are peering through the window, the new year is upon us. Hopefully this next year will be a chance to learn and grow.
Positive Pensées
Kathy King
“We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day.”
Edith Lovejoy Pierce
The new year is upon us.
The last year has passed us by.
Some of this year has been wonderful.
Some of this year has been a will to stay alive.
We toiled and troubled and experienced this thing called life.
We prayed, we cried, we had times where we couldn’t believe our eyes.
There were times when we couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel.
There were times when we just smiled.
Life continued to soldier on, even when our will was tried.
Take the opportunity of this next year, make a purpose and a plan.
Try to pick a goal that you can obtain.
Pick that goal, try to make it, and if you don’t that is okay.
The point is you tried to make it, to make your life a better place.
Give yourself grace as this year ends.
Find your place of thankfulness, make that your purpose at this year’s end.
Most of all dear readers, give yourself some grace.
You survived this year!
That is something that is truly great!
To all of you dear readers, I just want to thank you for taking the time to read my little musings. It has been absolutely wonderful. My mind is always running, creating, singing, talking, wanting to do more… so I thank you. Some folks make resolutions, others do not. Personally, a new year should be a time to focus on being a better person and seeing those around us. In the last few days I have been at the hospital with a loved one. As we sat in that room for over 30 hours, I couldn’t help but see the suffering that was all around. We never know what our fellow humans are going through. We usually see through our lens. While self care is important. It is also a great service to others to try and see their struggle, their thorn in the flesh to bear. In that room full of folks, each person had a story. That story could be of loss and pain. That story could be of joy and a little pain. Each story was theirs. It doesn’t take much to say a little prayer for them. As I watched a woman come into the emergency room frantically trying to find her husband who had been taken to the hospital by ambulance… I could see the absolute fear in her eyes. She kept telling the staff to please take her to her husband. He was confused without her due to his illness. It was absolutely heartbreaking to watch. The staff was very kind and compassionate with her. That was refreshing to see. Oftentimes we get caught up in our situations and do not see the situations of others. Let us all this next year try to look through the lens of empathy. My son recently came to me and asked me to define empathy for him. I said it was the ability to share the feelings of another. I admit, there are times I struggle with this concept. It is simple to define yet hard to do, is it not? There are countless writings on the “loss of humanity” that seems to permeate our culture. A little empathy in our culture would probably go a long, long way. Look through someone else’s lens. In looking through that lens perhaps we can find our common humanity together. Happy New Year dear cherished readers. May this next year give you grace. May this next year shine with goodness and faith. May the prayers be bountiful and the joy be abounding. May the love ooze from all that is around you. May you find joy in the midst of sorrow. May you look forward to the dawn of tomorrow. May you look and see the face of God. In the trees, in the mountains, in the face of a child. May your words be full of goodness and measured truthfulness. May your life be blessed. Pass that blessing to others. Give and receive. Accept those gifts graciously. Give to those in need. Find your peace in the smallest of things. Find your cornerstone of faith. Walk forward into this new year with confidence and finesse. Again, thank you for reading, so very much.
My books are on Amazon!
The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot
The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell
The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee
The Case of the Missing Wellies
The Case of the Missing Honk Honk
The Case of the Missing Ornaments
Clean it Up! Wash it Up!
Coming soon!
Appalachian Allegory: A Southern Novel
Buy me a coffee… pretty please… actually it would be a proper cuppa in my case. Thank you for reading!
Positive Pensées