Friday, December 22, 2023

The Gift of a Gift

My husband takes several pictures a week on his walks. He then shares what he thinks is the most meaningful. It is his gift to others. 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

A Gift.

A Package.

Wrapped with a pretty bow.

What could be in it?

You have to know!

You open the present, and take a peek.

You give a little gasp and tell the present giver, “Thanks.”

Sometimes that thanks is because well, you appreciate the thought. 

The present however, was not exactly something that you needed or on your list of wants.

What could be a better present than a small or large material thing?

That present could be a “You are in my thoughts” or “Do you need anything?”

We put so much emphasis on the physical gift. 

What if dear readers we do something else?

Make a meal, give it to a friend.

Give a hug, shake a hand.

Material things break and deteriorate from wear and tear. 

Why not give a gift that will stay in the spirit and minds of others. 

Show people that you care. 

Take the focus away from physical things.

Rather put the focus on the spirit, the heart, the mind, and acts that make the soul sing. 

Give a gift of humanity.

Be a blessing and a true friend.

Those gifts are the most valuable in the end.

When your time comes to leave the earth, those physical trappings have to stay here.

In that sense, did they have much worth?

In those last fleeting moments of your life, you can remember the humanity of others, and the gift of simply being kind. 

I am sure when you read this title that you are thinking, “What?” I was sitting and meditating a few days ago about Christmas. What does it mean? What have we made it into? When I was a child we were very blessed to have very large Christmas celebrations with lots of toys and gifts. My parents grew up with very little. In their mind, it was their job to shower the kids with gifts, and they did. Fast forward to our children. We have six of them. We were a struggling young couple with not a lot of money to spare. One Christmas when the kids were very small, some kind folks provided Christmas for the kids. I wrote on a piece of paper everything I wanted to give my husband for Christmas. There was a computer and other sundry things. After that, I wrote I wished I could give him those things but I did love him very much. He still has that piece of paper all of these years later. That is quite endearing. As time has soldiered on, gifts have taken on a completely different meaning. Why do we need so many material things? The answer is, we really don’t. Several years ago we decided to stop the endless cycle of spending copious amounts of money on things that the kids would eventually outgrow. We decided to give (used) books, to cook a meal, to spend time together playing games. To do things together as a family rather than shower kids with things they may or may not like or want. We spend an inordinate amount of time staring at a little computer to interact with others. We can buy things at the click of a button. We have access to just about every form of information that we can think of. A lot (not all) of us enjoy this little computer in the comfort of our homes with a comfortable blanket. What if you take a moment and think of the gift of service. The gift of love. The gift of, “I made you some cookies, God Bless you.” That act makes much more of an impression than a gift that will wear out. This Christmas I hope that you all will take time to say I love you to those who are important to you. To say that you care for those who are struggling. To say a prayer for someone. That is better than any physical gift. Happy Christmas Friends.

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming soon!

Appalachian Allegory: A Southern Novel

Buy me a coffee… pretty please… actually it would be a proper cuppa in my case. Thank you for reading! 


Positive Pensées


1 comment:

  1. Have a blessed Christmas and a healthy New Year!


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