Thursday, July 20, 2023

The Gift of Pickles

 Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Pickles

“Even if we disagree about everything we can still be kind to one another.”

Author Unknown

Pickles. They are enjoyable and tasty food.

They can be sour, sweet, hot, or cold.

They can be made with cucumbers, cauliflower, onions, or green beans.

They can be made with fruit, radishes, asparagus, basically a veritable cornucopia of things.

Pickles are made with vinegar, water, and spice.  

Pickles have withstood the test of time.

Pickles are made all over the world.

Each country has their tasty variety that their culture has cured.

Pickles have united people in both good and difficult times.

So embrace the variety of the pickle and choose to be……

A person who can choose to see that there are many varieties of opinions, of beliefs, and states of mind that can exist in harmony, and still be kind. 

Pickles have been around for thousands of years.  Cleopatra ate them, they were mentioned in the Bible.  They originated in the Tigris Valley.  Pickles were an essential part of food in early times.  The preservation from the brine allowed sailors and travelers to preserve food.  Pickle juice has been used to aid in digestion, athletes use pickles to treat hydration.  Pickles can be made with fruit, peppers, eggs, carrots, amongst other things.  Just about every culture has some form of pickles.  Why do I mention pickles?  This morning when my husband and I were walking at early:30.  I began to ponder the current trend that we as a society are seeing of, “If you don’t agree with me you are not worth my time.” If this trend continues, we as a society are doomed for more division.  Pickles show that even through many recipes, many different takes, the pickles can survive and even thrive.  How do we become more like pickles?  Focus on what unites us.  Our common humanity.  Listen with purpose.  Practice empathy. Ask questions respectfully.  If we were to evaluate our acts of decency/respect for others with whom we don’t agree, would the jar be half empty or half full?  Let us give a compliment, leave a big tip, and thank our public servants.  Leave a positive comment online.  Give a smile, a small wave.  Say good morning, tell a family member you love them, write a note of encouragement to your neighbor, child or friend.  Goodwill will not only make another person’s day but hopefully start a domino effect of change. The longer a pickle sits in brine, the better the pickle tastes.  Embrace the pickle.  Be a little salty, a little sweet, and a refreshing treat.  

*Source Tori Avey “History in a Jar:The Story of Pickles”

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1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...