Monday, July 17, 2023

The Gift of Waffles


Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Waffles

“Where there is a waffle, there’s a way.”  

Maria Casciano

Waffles. A sweet and tasty doughy treat. 

They can be savory or sweet.

Add a little syrup, fill up those little cups.

A true comfort food that can heal the blues. 

What are waffles in regard to life?

How can we compare the two?

Life is much like waffles in many ways.

Situations pummel us with little tiny wells.

They create wells of need to be filled with a syrup to help us to be many things. 

To be whole, to be healed, to recover from the ebb and flow of life. 

What are you putting in your wells?

Waffles.  In the South we have a restaurant named Waffle House. Waffle House equates with a greasy spoon with most southerners.  The floor slips and slides from the grease of the open grill.  The waitresses look like they could tell you many stories filled with interesting late night escapades of patrons who frequent these eateries.  Their specialty is waffles.  Obviously, that is in the name.  Recently my husband and I went to a Waffle Eatery with our little granddaughter.  Her absolute favorite food is waffles!  Blueberry waffles to be exact.  She squeezes her hands and says, “Nummy, nummy, nummy.”  She wants those waffles.  As we were sitting and watching her devour her tasty treat, this got me thinking about life.  Isn't life like a waffle?  Circumstances come at us, some are more traumatic than others.  The death of a loved one or friend.  A tenuous financial circumstance, a failed relationship, a difficult relationship with a child, an illness.  You name it.  All of these happenings really do cause wells of emotion, of need.  What are we filling those holes with?  If the syrup is bitter and resentful.  This will dig a deeper well in an already deep hole.  Also, what is in your batter?  When you make a waffle it is much like making bread.  The consistency of the dough is important, how many eggs are in the dough?  Did you add too much or too little milk? Have you greased the pan?  Have you cleaned the pan?  So many steps into making the perfect waffle.  When you bite in there, wow!  If you could make a recipe for syrup and waffles what would it be? A cup of kindness with plenty of humility?  A pinch of cinnamon for the spice of life and perhaps some nutmeg to help you know that it’s okay to be silly.  A strong cup of forgiveness to make it through each day.  And perhaps a heaping helping of love for both yourself and others.  What about your syrup?  What do you want to pour into your wells?  Definitely some other portion of tolerance and mercy.  A pinch of pungent sage to give you the determination, to keep going even when you cannot give anymore.  Take a moment, don’t look at those wells as a detriment.  Rather, those wells give you the opportunity to grow, to take something that caused you harm and make you a better person.  Others will see what is in your wells, and hopefully learn from your example.  Embrace the Waffle!


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