Sunday, July 2, 2023

The Gift of Freedom

Two of my boys were at a baseball game with the rest of the Cadets  at his school saluting the flag.

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Freedom

The Flag Waves High

The Flag Waves High for all to see. 

To symbolize the cause of liberty.

A land forged by blood, sweat, and tears.

A land that has so much to give.

It was forged by prayer and great faith. 

With values hopefully no person can erase. 

Stand for liberty and to have free speech. 

If we lose this, one cannot fathom the consequence. 

So please, on this day of celebration, take a moment to pause and reflect. 

Reflect on the good portions of our country, particularly for those who serve and protect. 

Love our land, love each other and Love God and Country. 

Love your neighbor, even when they cannot see.

Do good, be good even when no one sees.

Let us return to loving our neighbor for the sake of our country. 

As the words in the song say:

My country 'tis

This wee sweet land of liberty

Of thee I sing

Land where my fathers died

Land of the pilgrim's pride

From every mountainside

Let freedom ring

My native country, thee

Land of the noble free

Thy name I love

I love thy rocks and rills

Thy woods and templed hills

My heart will rapture fills like that above

Let music swell the breeze

And ring from all the trees

Sweet freedom's song

Let mortal tongues awake

Let all that breathe partake

Let rocks their silence break

The sound prolong.

In my journey of Pensées, or thoughts if you will… I have taken several moments to contemplate the concept of Independence Day.  America is quite divided (or so it would seem), at the moment.  Actually, the whole word seems divided at the moment.  War rages in Europe.  Paris is literally burning.  What can we do?  First, if you are a person of faith, I would encourage you to pray.  Pray a lot.  Love your neighbor even if you do not agree.  Change starts in small ways.  One person at a time.  One prayer at a time.  One good deed when no one is watching at a time.  I am convinced that most of us “normal folks” want the same thing.  To live in a world where we can have love, belonging, family, friends, and most of all..  Unity.  America has its flaws, that is undeniable.  Her flaws have been forged by fire over time.  There is still work to do.  This country is still a beautiful place to live.  One of the many times I was in New York, I took a cab ride. Most cab drivers do not make small talk… but on this day my cabbie was feeling talkative.  He talked about how he loved living here.  You see, he was from another country where he said his certain sect of folks were persecuted a lot.  He said that living here he knew that he could be free to be who he was.  He also said that he wished that Americans knew just how good they have it here.  It was really on that day I started to contemplate the many blessings there are in life.  Today, I am thankful for liberty.  I am also prayerful because five of my children have raised their right hand and said that they are willing to protect this country with their life.  That is daunting, scary, awe inspiring, and a cause for much prayer.  I leave you with this quote:

Our Flag Does Not Fly Because the Wind Moves It, It Flies With the Last Breath of Each Soldier Who Died Protecting It.”  Unknown

1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...