Tuesday, October 10, 2023

The Gift of Life is Beautiful

Pray dear friends.  

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Life is Beautiful

“Life is abundant, and life is beautiful. And it's a good place that we're all in, you know, on this earth, if we take care of it.” “Keep your head high, keep your chin up, and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about.”

Life is Beautiful

Life.  It is supposed to be beautiful. 

Humans should love each other. 

Look at the news, see the suffering. 

There is no evidence of that love.

Common respect, love for your neighbor.

Those tenets have clearly fallen out of favor. 

There has to be goodness out there. 

Surely, there has to be. 

Prayers, fervent prolonged and urgent

They are needed for those who are suffering such terror. 

The suffering is too much to bear. 

The mother crying for her child.

The family slaughtered, the hostages taken. 

The violence, it is just vile.

What can we do?

How can we help?

What can we say? 

Again dear readers, first. Pray.

After that, be kind to your neighbor. 

Give them the gift of care.

Give them a smile.

Lift them up.

Find what brings us together and make that your goal.

Tell those who seek to divide us we stand for one common goal.

Do good, be good. Love your neighbor as yourself. 

Stop the river of hatred. 

Release the dam of goodness, gentleness and care.

I have no words for the news that I have been listening to today.  I cried.  I mourned.  So much evil in the world.  Children are being killed.  Mothers are bearing so much pain.  Families are being slaughtered.  I just have no words.  I know that some folks say, “Take those prayers and actually do something.”  Well, I would say to you, that prayers do work. To know that someone has you on their mind when you are going through immense struggle is indeed a comfort.  To know that there are those who pray for peace.  It is a great comfort.  I have spoken to a couple of folks who are impacted by this situation in that part of the world.  They have asked explicitly and implicitly for prayer.  Friends.  Pray.  For those of us who are parents, pray for those who have no clue where their children are located.  Can you imagine?  I would be crawling out of my skin.  Recently I read the book that is associated with a movie from the 90s called, “Life is Beautiful.”  It was based on a family that was taken to death camps during World War II.  The family was separated.  The father was with the son, he did not want his young son to really know the severity of the situation.  He made their imprisonment like a game.  A game that was played during their entire time in that camp.  When the liberation was at hand, the father told his son to hide in a box until morning.  He knew the liberation was coming.  Shortly before morning came the father was captured and executed.  The son waited until the morning and was met with US Soldiers who were freeing those who were captive.  The son emerged from the box thinking he had won the game.  He was completely unaware that his father gave the ultimate sacrifice to save him.  He was eventually reunited with his mother.  The book ends with him reflecting as an adult just how much his father did to protect him through some pretty harrowing circumstances.  Friends, I have to wonder if that is going on right now.  Fathers, mothers, protecting the innocent from the ravages of war.  Yes, we must pray.  We must be good to those around us.  We must count our blessings.  We must see that diamond in the rough.  We must because life is indeed beautiful.  Life can also change in an instant.  Find the beautiful. 

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