Monday, October 9, 2023

The Gift of Seasons

Life seasons can teach us so very much... much like nature.

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Seasons

“Never judge someone based on a season.  One season David was a shepherd, the next season he was a King.”


Nature gives us a quite wonderful show. 

It gives us the seasons of heat, cool, bitter cold, and snow. 

The leaves change like the colors of a beautiful canvas. 

The snow brings the earth into quiet clarity.  

Spring gives us blooms and varying shades of green.

The flowers blossom, their fragrance fills the air like a glorious natural perfume. 

The summer gives us heat and fireflies. 

Late nights sitting on the front porch, watching the beautiful skies. 

Nature can teach us a wonderful lesson about life, the universe and everything. 

We only need to look and listen and watch things change.

The birds sing, the cycle of life, the changes all have a purpose. 

To give renewal. To show glorious purpose.

Our lives are much like seasons, they change, they flower, they grow. 

Sometimes the bad parts have to wither to allow new and better growth. 

Take a little time, watch nature’s change.

Let that change give you life clarity. 

To know that each and every season is a chance to grow. 

To be better, to see better, to think better and start tasks anew. 

So don’t judge the seasons of life. 

Let them gloriously guide and teach you. 

Once again the news is filled with so much war.  My goodness, those poor souls who have lost loved ones. I would guess that a lot of these folks were innocent folks trying to make it through the dance that we call life.  These situations call into sharp focus just how blessed we are across the pond here in the United States.  Sure, politics are well.. Awful.  Prayer is a much needed and fervent act that needs to be practiced several times a day.  As I was sitting on my front porch this afternoon, enjoying the fall breeze,and the leaves falling like raindrops, I started to think about seasons.  We all have them in life.  In the book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible there is a whole chapter dedicated to seasons of life.  In Chapter three it talks about how everything has a time, season, and purpose under Heaven.  Isn’t that very true? What season are you currently working through in life?  In our lives it is grown kids, an empty nest.  A very quiet house.  There are days I miss having little children like you would not believe.  At the time they were little, they drove me nuts.  I had four kids in diapers.. All under the age of four at one time.  But now, I look back and think about all the lessons all six of my children have taught me through the years.  Your season could be a new job, a new way of doing things.  I have read a lot recently about folks who have decided that even though they have reached a certain age they are not going to give up.  That is admirable. Seasons can teach us how to be better people.  If you have never studied this particular passage of scripture in Ecclesiastes, I highly recommend doing so.  The premise is that in each season of life, (just like the seasons of nature) they can teach us.  They can teach us how to deal with life as it continues to flow.  It can teach us discipline that we never knew that we had. Seasons shape us for a better purpose.  Why did I mention David from the Bible above?  Well, he is a prime example.  He went from a shepherd to a King.  If you are going through a difficult time I would encourage you to think of it as a season.  A time to grow.  In another writing I mentioned that you have three choices when going through something that is difficult.  You can let that situation define you, destroy you or strengthen you.  That strength is not giving up, even when it is hard.  That strength is saying, what are the blessings in this situation?  That strength is knowing that you can go from being a shepherd in the situation to a king.  I leave you with the origin of the phrase: “This too shall pass.” It is Persian in its origin.  It has been translated into many languages.  The basic meaning is as follows: It reflects on the temporary nature of the human condition.  Things are temporal and quite changeable.  This concept originated from the Sufi poets of Persia.  I am quite sure we have all felt in the midst of the situation that it will never change.  In some cases it might even seem hopeless.  But I encourage you to find that hope.  Find that season, let it teach you and perhaps one day you will be a King.  Not in the literal sense obviously, but you will be a much better version of yourself. 

Source: Quora

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot books 1-3

Clean it Up!  Wash it Up!

Coming soon:

Appalachian Allegory

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Christmas Ornaments

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