Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Empty Chairs

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

“Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” 

Winnie the Pooh

There is an empty chair at the table this year. 

In some cases more than one. 

As we sit and reminisce of times gone by. 

You can’t help but look at that empty spot. 

You miss them, their voice, their general presence every day. 

You think, “What are they doing? Are they okay?”

You pray, you call, you message and you wait. 

You want to see their precious face. 

Why is that chair empty you may ask?

Well that chair is empty because someone is doing freedom’s task.

They are serving, working, and giving of their time. 

So that we can enjoy a fine meal in times that are quite sublime.

Sublime you say? I don’t know about that. 

But if you take a minute and really think of those who are supporting freedom’s task.

They are giving of their time, their talents of free will.

Could you do it if you were called?

I am sure only a few will.

Remember those families with the empty chair. 

Remember that this is a chair of someone of whom they have great care. 

They have little to recourse but to pray.

Their prayers ring out each and every day. 

That empty chair sits at the table as a reminder to you and me.

That there are those who think outside of themselves for the cause of liberty.

Whether that time be on a massive boat, the sandbox, or the trees. 

Remember those who are without family.

Thanksgiving in itself is a time to pause and reflect. 

Reflect on those things of which we are blessed. 

So please in all of your turkey, dressing, and various sundry things. 

Think of that empty chair that sits at the table. 

Bring others to mind. 

This will elevate your will to be kind. 

To be thankful. 

To be full of gratitude. 

That is what the empty chair would want. 

Remember the empty chair that can’t enjoy the day. 

Remember the family, they too have a hollow place. 

They know in their hearts that their loved one is doing the right thing. 

It’s hard. It is a weighty feeling, there are at times no words to convey. 

Just what that empty chair means. 

Today after going to the store for what seemed like the four millionth time… I checked my attitude. Rather than complain I prayed. I felt an overwhelming urge to write this. We are missing some loved ones terribly this year. This is for you brave ones who sacrifice. To all of those mamas who are having their first holiday without their babies. My prayers are with you. The very first time our son was in the sandbox I missed him terribly. I knew what he was doing, I knew the cause, I knew that he would go without reserve. My husband and I were well aware that this comes with the territory of deployments. It doesn’t make it any less hard. Prayer is a must. Absolute must. There is nothing worse than being a mama bear who cannot do anything but pray for your baby that is seven thousand miles away. You don’t know exactly where they are located or what they are doing. But if you could… you would be there at a moment’s notice. To those who have lost their loved one. I cannot imagine your pain. I pray that you will be comforted on this day and every day. This year we find ourselves with another kid that is across the pond. We will miss our loved ones terribly. Very terribly. But we know that this again would be a possibility. We pray. We Wait. We anticipate. We stay still. We listen. We ask for God’s grace. We sing. We cry. We know that in time. They will be home again and that chair will be back to where it should reside. God Bless those who serve. God Bless those who sacrifice. 

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming soon!  

Appalachian Allegory: A Southern Novel

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