Tuesday, November 21, 2023

The Gift of 300 Smiles

After my fabulous fall that resulted in smiles.. I took a little stroll down the Brooklyn Bridge. 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of 300 Smiles

“Six year olds laugh an average of 300 times a day.  Adults only laugh 15-100 times a day.  Be six again!”


Oh to have the joy to laugh a lot each day. 

Instead of dwelling on sadness, pause and fight a source of joy instead of dismay. 

Make some laugh lines, cackle and embrace joie de vivre. 

Life is a banquet, live it, enjoy it. 

Find the laughter in the smallest of things. 

Because joy and laughter can cause your heart to sing. 

So laugh! Try to find more ways each day, to infuse joy into your soul.

And pass it on to others each day. 

One of the most beautiful sounds to my ears is my little granddaughter laughing.  She cackles and screams with delight.  She is only two but her laughter just makes you want to join in as well.  She laughs at the silliest things.  I blew a raspberry in her general direction.  That was the most hilarious thing that had ever happened in her life that day.  To have such joy is truly an emotion that sits firmly in the realm of a child.  While yes, we have to grow and be responsible.  Where was it ever written that we had to stop laughing?  I don’t believe it is written in stone that we cannot still continue to laugh as much as possible.  You turn on the news.  So many negative stories.  You go on social media.  Instant eye rolls.  You talk to other folks who are upset about politics.  You just want to say, “Can’t we all just get along?” How about this, intentionally surround your sources that you consume regularly to a more positive point of view.  You don’t have to be oblivious, but you can control how the information that flows into your mind. Also, run away from the comments section! I am floored at how someone can find playing with a little dog a chance to make a snarky comment. Recently my husband and I have started watching the old Carol Burnett shows from the 70’s, The Vicar of Dibley and Keeping Up Appearances.  The comedy sketches are so silly that they are hilarious. The best moments were when the improv actors had to cover their laughs because the skit was getting more and more funny. Each show is just a delightful few moments to not dwell on so many negative things swirling around us. After our belly laughs and a little relaxation.  A thought occurred to me.  Laughter is a universal language.  Every culture laughs.  Babies laugh before they can talk.  With this logic the world needs a lot more laughter.  It releases endorphins, it even aids in blood flow.  We are in a time right now where money is tight, political tempers are high, people have lost the ability to respect differing ideas. One time I was at the airport going to New York City. I have a respect for the times when folks “dressed up” to fly. Being a southern girl myself, I know that I am not leave without my “face on.” I know that is not for everyone but I feel a bit Dolly Partenesque in that manner. So, I had my face on, my hair coiffed for the gods, and to top it off. I had the most fabulous pair of shoes. I came in, started walking through the glorious (sarcasm) security line.. I turned the corner and face planted. I was mortified. I wanted to run and hide. I don’t know why, I am grace personified. If it can be tripped over. I will do it. One time I tripped right on the subway in front of God and everybody. This guy walked up right behind me and started to help me collect the various and sundry things in my purse that had spilled everywhere. I said, “I can’t believe I did that.” This guy looked at me with a giant smile on his face and said, “Gurl, you may have fell but you looked fabulous doing it!” I just started laughing. He laughed too. You see, we need to laugh more. I could have spent the day reliving the mortifying moment but that man made me smile. So find a way to make it to maybe 50 smiles. I promise you it is like therapy for the soul. 

My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming soon!

Appalachian Allegory: A Southern Novel


  1. You always make my day better.🦃

  2. This is truly a good one !!! So very true !!! Pray for us who can't do this ....


The Gift of People Watching

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