Friday, November 24, 2023

The Gift of Your Six

I took this picture in a beautiful church in Austria. 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Your Six

“It takes 6-8 pallbearers to lift you up when you’re deceased. Imagine what you can accomplish if you had 6-8 people lifting you up while you are living.”


To go through life, blissfully unaware. 

To go through life, without a single care. 

No bills to pay, no problems of which to toil.

Would that not be absolutely wonderful?

To not have a care in the world. 

Unfortunately, this grand journey of life is filled with much.

Much good, much toil, and at times dismay.

There are times when smiles abound. 

There are even times when we can clown around. 

As the quote above states, do you have a six or eight?

People you can tell, “You are in my prayers.”

People you can say, “I hope you have a wonderful day.”

Is there anything that I can do, just for you?

Can I listen if you need to get things off your chest?
Can I make you a meal to ease your stress?

When we are gone, we will only need those six or eight for a few fleeting moments, to take us to our graves. 

In life find those people with kindred souls and spirits. 

Help them, pray for them, pass on the goodness of the human spirit. 

Let this create a domino effect. 

Tell someone about the six or eight. 

Make it a habit, love, create. 

Create a new mindset of helping others. 

Take the focus outward. 

Bless each other. 

I have been going through and reading past posts. I had to stay home from our usual church trip today. I had an ear infection and a sinus infection. When my husband came home from church he said that many people asked where I was. That was comforting indeed. A church is a wonderful place to find your six.. 

It’s the day after Thanksgiving. Our family does not partake in the shopping frenzy that ensues. We have decided to focus less on physical possessions and more on doing something nice for someone else. I did have an occasion to go out for a few minutes this morning to grab a few things at the store. The mall parking lots were full, the stereo was saying that most places were at capacity. While I am not opposed to gift giving, I thought about the crowds that used to trample over each other to get a simple toy with no thought of those they were hurting in front of them. In the journey of Pensées (thoughts), I have really pondered the influence of social media. It really is “self” focused in many ways. When you go to share a story on certain platforms it immediately goes to “selfie” mode. Most folks are not opposed to selfies, I am not so much. My point is, how can we find our six or eight and get out of selfie mode? Being in a military family our boys say, “I got your six” or “Watch your six.” What does that mean? During World War I the phrase was coined by pilots. It meant that the pilot was watching the back of the other plane so that the enemy would not come behind them and shoot them down. I have heard, “check your six.” There are variations of the term. Basically, just as a soldier helps watch those around him from harm, we too can do just that. Find folks that are in need of lifting up. It does not have to be anything grand. Sometimes a kind word is all it takes. A prayer, a meal, a sweet, a coffee, even a smile. As we come into the holiday season do you have a six or eight? Just think of the possibilities. If you show them the blessing of being a blessing.. What could happen? Perhaps they may do so as well. I was watching a political show with my husband recently. The host was talking about how divided this nation is at the moment. He said that some want to establish two different countries. Others want a civil war! Can you believe that? The host said, “We cannot do that, we have got to walk across the playground and focus on what we do have in common and it has to start with us normal folks.” He is not wrong. Find your six or eight and be a blessing that this world so dearly needs. Tell them, “I got your six.”

My Books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming Soon!

Appalachian Allegory: A Southern Novel

Buy me a coffee… pretty please… actually it would be a proper cuppa in my case. Thank you for reading! 


Positive Pensées


1 comment:

The Gift of People Watching

Image Courtesy of Canva Pro The Gift of People Watching Kathy King "It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words wit...