Saturday, November 11, 2023

The Gift of a Blustery Rainy Day


Photo Credit: My husband

Positive  Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of a Blustery Rainy Day


"Without rain, there is no life."

Jerry Yang


Most people look at rainy days as a source of gloom. 

A rainy day means there is no sunshine high in the sky.

The day gives way to gray colors, wetness, and blustery trees.

The wind swirls and swirls, and the rain washes the dirt away.

Rainy days don’t have to be dark or even sad.

The rain provides much needed water for humans and plants.

The birds, the bugs, and all the outdoor animals need those rainy days to sustain them.

Instead of looking at a rainy day as a hindrance, look at the day as an opportunity for hope. 

After the rain passes, the air is clear, the sun comes out while the rain clouds dissipate, and a glorious sky is painted in beauty and grace. 

Learn to love the rainy days, and sometimes splash in the puddles. 

Bring a little joy into your life; alleviate your troubles.


A little edition to this musing... Last night, and this morning we have had January thunderstorms. This is a little out of character for the south. We are used to those rumbles in the Spring and Summer but the Winter? Not so much. These storms brought to mind the concept once again of knowing that rain is necessary to water and grow things in nature. How much more does this apply to life? While it would be wonderful to walk through in perfection with no real growth... well, that is simply not possible. Once again I am reminded that we must have the rain to water us to grow into a better person. What we have planted and how it germinates, that is up to us. You may ask, "Is it really?" I would wager that yes, it indeed is. Over and over again I have come in contact with Corrie Ten Boom quotes. She was the lady who hid folks during the holocaust. Even though she was not Jewish, she did so because of her love of humanity. She lost her whole family during World War II. Yet she soldiered on. Sure there were times she had an attitude but she never stopped. I wish I had an ounce of her strength. This quote really was poignant to me: "If God sends us strong paths, we are provided strong shoes." Wow. If rain boots are needed. Through prayer, etc.. God will provide. We may have to get our feet a little wet to get there but He is waiting. I hope that we can see the blessing of rain.. God bless your day friends.

Today was the first day we had rain in the deep South in three weeks. That is quite unusual in the land of pop-up thunderstorms, they even come in the fall. Everything seemed a bit dreary and dusty because of the lack of rain. As the rain started to fall, it was almost as if the trees, the grass, and even the birds were suddenly renewed. Add in the changing leaves dancing through the sky as the wind blew, and it was almost like a perfect picture.  Birds danced in our bird bath, and the trees became a very verdant, freshly washed green, yellow, orange and red. The leaves also fell like rain as the wind blew. It was like a postcard. It only rained for a few hours, and the sky started to clear right around sunset. As the gray clouds passed, the sun painted the most beautiful rainbow sky I believe I have ever beheld in my life. Even the sun gave a nod of thanks to the passing rain through the painted sky.   All of these glorious occurrences came from just a few hours of rain. If you were to think of songs that were written about rain, what comes to mind?  The song "Listen to the Rhythm of Falling Rain" comes to mind. Chopin wrote piano pieces about rain (I played one of them in college, some refer to the piece as the "Raindrop Prelude") and Beethoven wrote symphonies that were about rain. There are portions of our country that are in dire need of rain, the Western United States comes to mind.  We all need rain in our lives.  Recently, I read that there is a term for people who love rain.  Pluviophile is the term used to describe this person.Interesting, right?  How does rain apply to our lives?  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in one stanza of his poem Rainy Days, "Into each life some rain must fall, some days must be dark and dreary." Right here, right now, I want us to look at a rainy day not as dark and dreary but as a chance to renew ourselves and grow.  We would not be clean or grow if it did not rain and we did not have that opportunity to wash and water. Without the rain, we would not have the life giving water that we all need to simply survive. Without rain, our dams would not run, and what would happen?  Some people would not have electricity. Rain is not an impediment but rather a blessing. Apply a little rain to your life by learning something new.  Water someone else’s garden of life by doing something kind for them. Talk to someone who believes very differently than you do to give yourself a breath of fresh air. As we have discussed in other writings, we are in a time where a lot of people are hyper focused on what we don’t have in common. Let us focus on what we do have in common. As always, too much rain is not a helpful occurrence, and in some cases flooding occurs, which can be detrimental. So have just enough rain to build your soul and the souls of others. So if you encounter rain, do as you would on a rainy day. Put on your fuzzy socks, put your feet up with a cup of hot chocolate, perhaps a good book, and a cozy blanket, and contemplate all of life’s blessings. Rain also helps us slow down in our fast-paced lives. We all need this activity from time to time. When my kids were little, they would lay on our driveway during a summer storm and just enjoy the rain. We are at the bottom of a hill that takes care of a lot of the drainage for our neighborhood. As they lay enjoying the rain, they would wave their arms much like you make a snow angel. The rain cascaded over them, and they smiled the smile of children who had not a care in the world. It was a great joy for my husband and myself to watch. Take a little time and enjoy the rain.


My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming soon!

Appalachian Allegory: A Southern Novel

Buy me a coffee… pretty please… actually it would be a proper cuppa in my case. Thank you for reading! 


Positive Pensées



  1. You write so beautifully and poetic! Such a true reminder when looking at that "dreary" day. Thank you!

  2. What a great way to look at a rainy day.


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