Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Gift of Zippers

One of my husband's zippers is taking pictures.... 

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

The Gift of Zippers

“May you always be the one that finds light in the little things.”


Zippers are such small unnoticed things.

We take advantage of the joy this little device can bring.

When it is cold you can make yourself a little warmer...by just zipping up your coat! 

It provides instant warmth. 

Zippers on the flip side can bring relief when you are too warm.  

Just unzip the thing!

What zippers are there in our life that we just don’t see?

What small bit of warmth or cooling can this minute contraption bring into your reality.

Find your zipper, whether that is to be zipped up or zipped down.

Find it, recognize that the effect can be profound.

This morning was very “cool” in the South. Particularly at this time of year in late November.  My mom calls it “Blackberry Winter”.  Almost like a fool’s fall.  So as my husband and I embarked on our morning walk I grabbed 2 jackets for us to wear.  As we began our ramble I went to zip up my coat and gasp!  The zipper was missing.  The missing zipper on this coat made a huge difference during our walk.  The draft kept blowing up, I tried to close the coat with my hands to no avail.  My fate was sealed.  It was going to be a cool morning walk.  While in the grand scheme of things this is so small this planted a seed of thought in my mind.  What do we need to zip up in our life?  When we get busy do we neglect to zip up or unzip those small acts that make a difference in our daily lives?  When I say small, I mean really small.  Think about zippers.  They keep things from spilling out.  They zip up sleeping bags when you need it on that very cold night.  Thank goodness they are not buttons!  Buttons split very easily.  Just a little history about zippers.  They were invented basically out of necessity. Initially they were invented by the inventor of the sewing machine.  His name was Elias Howe, he called it the “Automatic Continuous Clothing Closure” however he did not really market this invention because he was too busy marketing his sewing machines.  Several years later, the idea was improved upon by a couple of folks but the zipper never really took off until the B.F. Goodrich company started putting them on their work boots.  They called those boots “Zippers” and the name was forever cemented in history.  After boots came pants, shirts, etc. All of the modern uses of the zipper that we see in today’s times.  Now, back to what zippers, what tiny little closures that keep us together in life can we glean from this idea?  I know someone whose zipper is making her bed.  If her bed is unmade she feels positively not great.  She feels that in the act of making her bed she sets the tone for her entire day.  I know another person who is going through some difficulty. In order to keep her from losing it she picks one small activity or portion of her day that gives her a glimmer of joy.  For others it could be the simple act of having a consistent routine or a tidy workspace.  And if you have a day where you just can’t stay zipped up that is ok because you can just sit back and zip it up again tomorrow.  In the most beautiful words of Winnie the Pooh: “You must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”.  Wise words indeed. 


My books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo-Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk 

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming soon:

Appalachian Allegory

1 comment:

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