Wednesday, November 15, 2023

The Gift of It's Okay to be Tired


I took this in Grindelwald, Switzerland. Those mountains... Wow... and people climb them!

Climb Every Mountain from the Sound of Music... I love singing this song.

Positive Pensées

Kathy King

“I saw a quote that said, 'I know I am going to get through it. It’s just, sometimes I get tired of going through it.' And I felt that.”

It is okay to feel tired.

It is okay to raise your hands in frustration.

It is okay to say, “At the moment, I just don’t care.”

These emotions, these feelings, they are all a part of the human condition.

To think that life is truly perfect is an idea that deserves great suspicion. 

We are told that if we walk a certain path, our lives will never really see any grey. 

I am here to tell you dear readers, life sometimes subsists in the grey. 

It does not mean that you do not have hope for another day. 

Rather, you must find those promises in the realm of grey. 

As the quote states above, we all know we are going to get through it.

Of that we can be sure. 

But also, it is okay to be tired when you are going through it of that you can be sure. 

Take a seat, rub your temples, say a little prayer. 

When you are in the tired moment, don't despair.

Look around you and survey the grey.

Find the bits of color that pop in the midst of the grey.

Take those colors, file them away in your head.

You may need them again when the next situation presents itself. 

You see life is a wonderful, gritty, dirty and many splendored thing.

We have to take the good, the bad, and the ugly with all that it brings. 

It is okay to feel tired. Say it again.

Take that moment of rest, you deserve it, my friend.  

Today in our little corner of the south it is quite grey and windy (I love the British English spelling of grey.) There are a few pops of color still left as fall begins to wane. I spent the morning with a few little old ladies and gentlemen who are both hilarious and sources of great wisdom. Some have kids that are really “going through it” at the moment. Then, they themselves have many health elements that cause them to feel they are going through it. Each time I speak with someone they are going through it these days. What do we do? Well, as I mentioned above, raise those hands and just let it out. You may not have a long time to do so, but even a moment of catharsis is something. I was recently conversing with my Pastor friends about life, the universe and everything. He was quiet for a moment and then said, “Go and read the Psalms out loud. You will see that David did indeed, go through it.” He went through times of absolute despair asking God why He had abandoned him. He then went to the top of the mountain and saw the splendor that comes with overcoming a desperate situation. It seemed that there were times that he completely lost his faith. He never stopped expressing his feelings. He asked God to save him, please don’t leave him, and please help him not to feel alone. He was (in Psalm 6) worn out from his groaning, his weeping, etc..  Shortly before that in Psalm 4 David talked about how his heart was glad and his soul rejoiced. He was going to sleep peacefully because of God’s goodness. Why read the Psalms? Well, David experienced the human condition that all of us experience. Joy, sadness, anger, despair. Will this situation ever change? I have had those thoughts a lot recently. I did feel guilty because I felt I had a lack of faith. But then, after reading the musings of David. I felt human. Have those moments of tiredness. Look around you in the grey and see the bits of color that God has placed in your path. The beauty of taking that moment and breathing is that you can realize I may have these feelings, but I don't have to stay here in this place. In a previous musing, I wrote about climbing to the mountain top and seeing the glorious splendor of the view. You can’t get there without starting in the valley. You just cannot. When you see that next mountain on the horizon you will be stronger, you will have more bits of color in the grey when you reach the valley to scale to newer and better heights. I leave you with a quote by Andy Rooney, “Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth happens when you are climbing it.”

Sources: Psalm 1-10 KJV

My Books are on Amazon!

The Quacktastic Adventures of Ellie and Lord Barks a Lot

The Case of the Missing Moo Cow Bell

The Case of the Missing Bumbly Wumbly Bee

The Case of the Missing Wellies

The Case of the Missing Honk Honk

The Case of the Missing Ornaments

Clean it Up! Wash it Up!

Coming Soon:

Appalachian Allegory

1 comment:

  1. I have been to both.The mountain top and the valley.


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